How is cinnamon consumed, in which dishes is it used? How much cinnamon should be used per day?

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Cinnamon spice can be consumed in desserts, beverages, meals or by adding it directly to drinking water. It is also used to flavor some herbal teas. Thanks to this feature of cinnamon, which has antioxidant properties, it can be used as a support in the treatment of many ailments and troubles. It is among the spices preferred by women who have a very painful menstrual period. With its pain-relieving feature, it helps to get through this period more easily. It is a type of spice that is frequently used among people struggling with cancer. It is more suitable to be used with the approval or recommendation of the doctor.

How is cinnamon consumed?

Cinnamon, a kind of spice, can be used as a stick, powder or star. Although cinnamon is often used to flavor beverages such as salep or herbal teas, cinnamon has many benefits. Cinnamon is also used in detox drinks and herbal teas. People who want to lose weight can consume cinnamon as a natural sweetener. It can be used instead of sugar and meets the need for sweets with its natural sweetener feature. It can be consumed by adding it to teas or drinking water that supports diets. Cinnamon should not be consumed directly, but should be added to food and beverages in appropriate amounts.

Although there are no known side effects in the consumption of cinnamon, it should not be consumed without the control of a doctor in the treatment of any disease. Those with chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating mothers, and people with a history of allergies should definitely use it with the approval of a doctor before using it. Excessive consumption should be avoided.

Some of the most well-known benefits of cinnamon powder or bark can be listed as follows:

  • It has antioxidant properties, so it can be used as a supplement in the treatment of cancer-derived diseases.
  • Protects cells against damage.
  • It helps to reduce stress.
  • It increases the body’s resistance against infections.
  • It is also preferred by diabetic patients. It is known to balance blood sugar.
  • It has a memory-enhancing effect.
  • It can also be used for breastfeeding mothers in consultation with the doctor. It is known to increase the milk of lactating mothers.

How much cinnamon should be used per day?

Excess of any food is harmful. Although it is natural, the effect of each food on the body is different and may cause some side effects. Cinnamon is a type of spice that should be consumed with the approval of a doctor and in certain amounts. It has different doses that differ according to whether it is consumed as a stick or powder. If cinnamon sticks are to be used, it should not be used more than once a day. A single stick of cinnamon can be used several times. Cinnamon in powder form should not be consumed more than half a teaspoon in a day.

How many times is a stick of cinnamon used?

A stick of cinnamon can be used three or four times. This use does not have any drawbacks or side effects.

How long does cinnamon stick stay in water?

One stick of cinnamon is thrown into the water, which is equivalent to about ten glasses of water. The water kept in this way should be consumed within two weeks at the most.

In which dishes is cinnamon used?

Especially milky desserts such as rice pudding, chicken breast, Kazandibi are consumed by adding cinnamon powder. It is a kind of spice used in dishes as well as desserts. It is added to dishes as a condiment both in Turkey and in other countries. In Indian and Moroccan cuisine, cinnamon is found in rice or chicken dishes. There are also recipes in which cinnamon is used in stuffing.

How to make cinnamon tea?

Cinnamon spice can also be consumed as a tea in powder or stick form. It can be prepared at home in a few minutes or it can be obtained from herbalists as ready-made tea bags.

For those who want to prepare at home, the necessary materials and preparation steps are as follows:

  • Two glasses of clean drinking water
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon powder

Cinnamon tea recipe:

  • Clean drinking water is boiled.
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon powder is thrown into the boiling water.
  • Let it brew for ten minutes.
  • It can be consumed by straining with the help of a strainer.

To prepare cinnamon tea with cinnamon sticks, add two sticks of cinnamon to two glasses of hot water and wait for five minutes. The brewed tea is drunk hot. However, one cup or more than one glass a day should not be drunk. As with any food, excessive consumption of cinnamon tea can cause some harm. Different side effects can be seen for different bodies. It is useful to use with the approval of the doctor.

How to use cinnamon powder for weight loss?

No product has a direct weakening effect. However, some foods have properties that support those who want to lose weight. Cinnamon is also among these foods. It can be consumed on an empty stomach and before going to bed. Cinnamon consumed by adding it to water has the feature of keeping it full for a long time. However, it would not be right to consume it without consulting a specialist dietitian. Possible side effects may vary from person to person.
