How is back pain treated? What causes back pain, what are the causes?

Back pain is a common health problem today and can affect many people’s quality of life. Back pain can manifest itself in the form of discomfort, pain or tension in the back area. This pain can occur as a result of problems in various structures of the back such as the spine, muscles, joints, discs and nerves. Back pain can have many causes and these include factors such as incorrect posture, sedentary lifestyle, injuries, excessive physical activity, stress and aging. While back pain is usually temporary and gets better on its own, in some cases it can become chronic and persist for a long time. Back pain can limit daily activities, reduce work performance, and adversely affect overall quality of life.

Back pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. One of the most common causes of back pain is problems in the muscle and connective tissues. Muscle strains, muscle spasms, or muscle strains can lead to back pain. In addition, strain, tear or inflammation in the connective tissues (ligaments and tendons) can also cause back pain.

Spinal problems are a major source of back pain. These include herniated disc, curvature of the spine (scoliosis), spinal fractures, spinal calcification, and disc problems (disc herniation or disc degeneration). Incorrect posture or constantly sitting or standing in the wrong position can lead to back pain. A sedentary lifestyle can also be a cause of back pain. Weakening of the muscles and loss of flexibility can cause back pain.

Back pain can also occur as a result of trauma or injury. Car accidents, sports injuries, falls, or strain from lifting heavy objects can cause back pain. Mental and emotional factors such as stress anxiety and depression can lead to muscle tension and back pain in the body. Mental stress can cause back muscles to stretch and cause pain. In addition to these reasons, aging, overweight, smoking, genetic factors, osteoporosis, infections and certain diseases can also contribute to back pain.

How is back pain treated?

There are many methods available to provide temporary relief for back pain and promote healing. However, since each individual’s situation is different, effective treatment methods may vary according to individual differences. Here are some methods that can answer the question of what is good for back pain:

  • Rest and Activity Level Adjustment: In case of back pain, it is important to rest and adjust the activity level. It is important to avoid excessive physical activity and not to strain the back too much. However, excessive long-term bed dependence is also not recommended. Gradually increasing activity and exercising regularly can be beneficial for strengthening back muscles and improving flexibility.
  • Heat or Cold Application: You can apply heat or cold to relieve back pain. Warming increases blood flow, relaxes muscles, and can relieve pain. Cold application can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. You can use an ice pack or cold compress for this.
  • Exercise and Stretching: Regular exercise is important to relieve and prevent back pain. Exercises that strengthen back muscles and increase flexibility can help reduce back pain.
  • Physical Therapy and Massage: Physical therapy methods and massage therapy can also be effective in the treatment of back pain. In addition, massage therapy can reduce muscle tension, increase circulation, and provide relaxation.
  • Medication: Painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor can be used to relieve back pain. However, these drugs only relieve symptoms but do not solve the underlying problem. Therefore, drug therapy should be carefully managed in long-term use.

What are back pain exercises?

Proper exercises done regularly to deal with back pain can be quite beneficial. Exercises designed to strengthen back muscles, increase flexibility, and improve posture can help relieve back pain and prevent recurrence. However, since each individual’s back pain situation may be different, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning exercises. This specialist can help you create a bespoke exercise program and ensure you use the right techniques. Back pain exercises can be classified in several ways. Here are some common back pain exercises:

Stretching Exercises:

  • Chest and shoulder stretching exercises
  • Back and waist stretching exercises
  • Neck and shoulder muscle stretching exercises

Back Strengthening Exercises:

  • Superman workout targeting back muscles
  • Bridge exercise
  • Back pull exercise with dumbbells or a resistance band

Abdominal Exercises:

  • plank exercise
  • Crunch or tummy tuck exercise
  • leg lift exercise

Flexibility and Posture Improvement Exercises:

  • Pilates or yoga exercises
  • spine lengthening exercises
  • Exercises that support spine alignment

What causes back pain in women?

Back pain in women can be caused by a variety of reasons as in men. However, some conditions and factors may cause back pain to be seen more frequently, especially in women. For example, hormonal changes in the body and increased weight during pregnancy are a common cause of back pain.

Other factors that can cause back pain in women can include breast size, birth control pills, osteoporosis, menstrual cramps, and menopausal hormone changes. In addition, it is possible for women to experience more stress and depression due to back pain. The causes and treatment methods for back pain in women can vary depending on the individual situation and symptoms, so it is important to consult a healthcare professional.

What causes persistent back pain?

Persistent back pain refers to a condition that persists for a long time or does not improve. While back pain usually heals within a few weeks, sometimes the pain can persist for a long time and become chronic.

The causes of chronic back pain can be varied, including spinal problems, muscle and connective tissue problems, nerve damage, poor posture, and mental factors. Persistent back pain can negatively affect daily life, reduce work performance and reduce quality of life. Therefore, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment. Specialists can evaluate the person’s specific situation and offer appropriate treatment options and recommend one of the options such as physical therapy, drug therapy, surgery or alternative therapies.

Is back pain a symptom of corona?

Back pain is not one of the common symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, shortness of breath, and loss of taste or smell. However, some people may experience COVID-19 along with other symptoms such as back pain. Back pain, especially with the common symptoms of COVID-19, is not a sufficient indicator to determine whether a person is infected or not. If you suspect or have symptoms of COVID-19, it is important to contact your healthcare professional and get the necessary tests done.
