In 2019, Bong Joon-Hos Thriller-Satire Parasite celebrated her premiere at the film festival in Cannes. It was the starting signal for a victory run that should lead the South Korean director to the Oscar for the best film. Actually unimaginable for non-English-language production. However, if international champions follow the call from Hollywood, this often ends in between with studios and cut dreams. Bong knows that only too well, who experienced something similar with his science fiction film Snowpiercer and producer Harvey Weinstein.
At the Berlinale, he now presented his new film Mickey 17, his greatest production to date. A supposedly over 100 million dollar science fiction film by Warner Bros. with the current Batman Robert Pattinson in the leading role. Franchise syngies and health insurers would have to ring in the choir. Mickey 17 is a real blockbuster beast, a bizarre satire, Abyss, cartoonesk and above all one thing: angry.
Mickey 17 offers Robert Pattinson 18 times and a Trump parody
In the future vision, our hero suffers from the same problems as the family from Parasite. Robert Pattinson’s Mickey Barnes has accumulated in a loan shark due to a stupid business plan of his buddy (Steven Yeun). Both are therefore fleeing into space.
The trailer for Mickey 17:
Mickey 17 – Trailer 2 (German) HD
Mickey volunteers for working as an expendable, ie “more unnecessary”. However, there is no adventure with a Sylvester Stallone and a gang of gray-grown action gods, but a new program that reproduces the workforce that can be replaced on the ongoing volume for the most dangerous missions. The first step on a foreign planet without breathing apparatus, for example, or a test of the effects of extreme sun rays. Mickey goes to work, dies and is re-printed in the 3D printer from his own recycles. Live, which, repeat, as it was said on the posters for Edge of Tomorrow.
Translated from one body to the other, only his memory and awareness becomes. The estrangement from your own job and your own workforce accepts absurd trains in the future vision. Until Mickey 17 does not die by chance and still slips from the printer. Mickey has become a so -called “multiple” and that is on the expedition of the above-Christian politician and Trump section Kenneth Marshall (Mark Ruffalo) and his no less ambitious wife Ylfa (Toni Collette) banned.
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Robert Pattinson’s performance is a (funny) Tour de Force
Keyword Trump crucial. Anyone who, like me, had enough of parodies of the former and new US president on January 20, 2017, will probably not enjoy Mark Ruffalo’s villain. Fortunately, Ruffalo does not wear a bleached hair mat for the cinema -to -see worldwide, but the artificial browning and, above all, the tongue strike reminiscent of a clogged rectum are unmistakable parallels. That would probably be the one reason to recommend Mickey 17 in German dubbing.
On the other hand, the linguistic variations that Robert Pattinson came up with would be avoided to distinguish the Mickeys. The Batman actor creates an impressive tour-de-for-force, He storms and dances between the slapstick and existentialist crisis. Always on a wavelength with the satirical exaggeration Bong Joon-Hos. You could already watch them at the English-speaking staff in Snowpiercer and his Netflix film Okja, but Pattinson fills his Mickeyys with a lot more flesh, blood and heart. Which also applies to Naomi Ackie, who, as an all -rounder Nasha, has developed an affection for the Mickey.
Nevertheless, the impression of a caricature scribbled in the robe in the robe of a science fiction film predominates in Mickey 17. The basic idea is hardly to be grown, after all, Mickey becomes absolutely interchangeable and therefore worthless after the signing of his (not read) contract. In Mickey 17, humans are the collected human capital of cells and water, which ends up in recycling oven like empty salami packs and chip bags. This idea is given topicality with the obvious political relationships. The latter also deprives the film for the multi -layered black humor, which made parasite equally entertaining and provided pitfalls for the viewers as far as the distribution of sympathy was concerned.
It is therefore a strange irony that one of the great directors of our time has millions of Hollywood dollars for the Probably darkest and angry blockbuster of the year issued. A blockbuster who will come to the cinema while the US companies strive to act in front of the new president in step. So that this film, which would have to demand so much respect, has probably become his weakest.
Mickey 17 is more courageous and more political than most major productions of its kind. But it is also flat and overloaded, almost free of Bong’s virtuoso ability to tell without words of stories, societies and feelings. Mickey 17 is a disappointment and probably more interesting than 90 percent of the major productions that will come this year.
Mickey 17 was shown at the Berlinale Special section. The film will come to German cinemas on March 6, 2025.