A large number of motorists do not know how far to place the red triangle when stopping on the road.
It has been, like the fluorescent yellow vest, compulsory since 2008. The warning triangle is a road safety device designed to alert other road users of imminent danger. In the event of immobilization on the roadway, caused by a breakdown or accident, the motorist must place his triangle, generally red with reflective strips, behind his vehicle in order to warn other drivers of an unusual obstacle.
But to be seen early enough by other road users, this triangle must be installed at a certain distance from their vehicle. How many meters precisely? Too few motorists know this, and some can sometimes do anything in a critical and distressing situation. However, there is a regulatory distance to respect. It depends on the road on which the breakdown or accident occurred. Outside urban areas, on a national or departmental road, it takes around 30 meters. To get as close as possible, it’s best to take 30 long steps from the back of your car.

It is interesting to know that the installation of the triangle, indicated in article R.416-19 of the Highway Code, applies to vehicles immobilized on the roadway but not to those immobilized on the hard shoulder. emergency. And it is better not to forget to use it when a situation requires it because the fine can go up to 750 euros. On motorways, where speed is higher and therefore braking distances are greater, it is recommended to place the triangle much further away, around 100 meters.
However, you must keep in mind that certain situations do not allow you to get out of your vehicle to install the triangle in complete safety. This is for example the case when traffic is heavy and the risk of being knocked down is high. The police will not be able to fine you if you were unable to place your signaling equipment behind your vehicle for this reason.
However, it is mandatory to have one in your vehicle. In the event of a police check, an individual unable to show his equipment, which motorists are accustomed to storing in the trunk, incurs a fixed fine of 135 euros.