How does reflux pass, what is good for reflux? What are the symptoms and treatment of reflux?

Reflux is a common ailment of the digestive system, characterized by the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. This condition causes stomach acid and digestive enzymes to damage the esophagus, leading to various symptoms. Reflux is a health problem seen in a large part of the society and can occur in various age groups. Symptoms such as burning sensation, chest pain, difficulty in swallowing, heartburn, cough, burning in the throat occur due to reflux. Reflux can become chronic as long-term symptoms and negatively affect quality of life.

Reflux occurs when stomach contents leak back into the esophagus and manifests itself with various symptoms. These symptoms, which can be seen in different severity and frequency in each individual, can negatively affect the quality of life. One of the most common symptoms of reflux is a burning sensation. It usually occurs in the chest area and is caused by stomach acid refluxing into the esophagus. The burning sensation can usually increase after meals or at bedtime.

Pain or discomfort in the chest area may occur due to reflux. This pain can be in the form of pressure or squeezing, which can sometimes be confused with a heart attack. However, chest pain from reflux usually eases with movement or taking antacid medications. Difficulty in swallowing may occur due to damage to the esophagus or backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. Symptoms such as a feeling of strangulation during swallowing, a feeling of a lump in the throat, or a feeling of congestion in the esophagus may occur.

A sour taste in the mouth can occur when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus due to reflux. This situation usually increases with the reflux of stomach contents or the escape of stomach acid into the esophagus in the lying position at night. Backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus can cause coughing, especially during sleep. The cough can be a chronic cough that wakes up at night, causing irritation of the throat and a dry cough.

Reflux treatment includes a number of methods to relieve symptoms, prevent damage to the esophagus, and improve quality of life. Each person’s treatment needs may be different, so doctors often create a personalized treatment plan. Here are some methods used in response to the question of how reflux passes:

  • Lifestyle changes: The first step to relieving reflux symptoms is often lifestyle changes. These include sitting or lying in an upright position after meals, losing excess weight, reducing the amount of food consumed, avoiding acidic and fatty foods, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and not smoking before meals.
  • Dietary changes: It is recommended to avoid consumption of certain foods to keep reflux symptoms under control. For example, it may be recommended to limit or completely eliminate foods that can trigger reflux, such as spicy foods, chocolate, mint, tomatoes, citrus fruits, caffeine, fatty and fried foods.
  • Medication: To relieve reflux symptoms and control stomach acid, doctors may prescribe medications such as antacids, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), or H2 antagonists. These drugs relieve symptoms and protect the stomach by reducing the production of stomach acid.
  • Surgical intervention: Surgical options may be considered in severe and treatment-resistant cases or when serious complications develop. These may include a procedure called laparoscopic fundoplication, endoscopic procedures aimed at correcting laxity in the gastric valve, or the LINX, an implantable device.

What is good for reflux?

There are some home remedies and natural treatment options to relieve and relieve reflux symptoms.

  • Diet: It is important to make changes in eating habits to manage reflux symptoms. It is important to sit or lie in an upright position after meals, to lose excess weight, to consume meals in smaller portions and at frequent intervals, to avoid acidic and spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol, and to avoid foods that may trigger reflux such as chocolate, mint, tomatoes.
  • Dietary changes: Some foods can increase reflux symptoms, so it may be helpful to limit or completely eliminate the consumption of these foods. For example, spicy foods, chocolate, fatty and fried foods, tomatoes and citrus fruits, and drinks containing caffeine can aggravate reflux symptoms. In addition, a diet containing fiber foods, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat protein sources should be preferred.
  • Salt water gargle: A salt water gargle may be helpful to relieve throat irritation caused by reflux. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and gargle your throat using this mixture. Salt water can help reduce throat irritation.
  • Herbal teas: Some herbal teas may be helpful in relieving reflux symptoms. For example, chamomile tea, ginger tea or fennel tea can relieve reflux symptoms. You can brew these teas and consume them after meals or when you feel your symptoms.
  • Stress management: Stress can increase reflux symptoms. Therefore, stress management techniques, practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and trying to reduce stress can help control reflux symptoms.

Remember, each person’s reflux symptoms and reactions can be different. If you are suffering from reflux symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

What causes reflux in babies?

Reflux in infants is a common condition when the digestive system is not yet fully developed. Reflux means the stomach contents back up into the esophagus. Reflux in infants can often present with symptoms such as frequent vomiting, restlessness, excessive crying, insufficient weight gain, and sleep problems. This condition usually becomes more pronounced when babies are lying down or after feeding.

Reflux in infants usually resolves on its own and passes over time, but in some cases, medical attention may be required. Doctors recommend lifestyle changes, special feeding methods and sometimes medication to control reflux in babies. It is important to consult a pediatrician if you are concerned about reflux in infants.

What is a reflux bed?

Reflux mattress is a special mattress designed to relieve reflux symptoms and provide a more comfortable sleep throughout the night. Reflux beds have an inclined structure to elevate the head area, so that stomach acid is prevented from escaping back into the esophagus due to the effect of gravity. This inclined position prevents stomach contents from escaping back into the esophagus and helps you sleep comfortably during sleep.

Reflux mattresses are often designed with lightly padded or memory foam materials to provide extra support and comfort. In this way, it offers a suitable sleeping surface to relieve reflux symptoms and have a better sleep experience.

What does a reflux pillow do?

Reflux pillow is a pillow specially designed to relieve reflux symptoms. These pillows usually have a curved shape and provide extra support to elevate the head and upper body area. This height prevents the stomach acid from escaping back into the esophagus by the effect of gravity.

While the reflux pillow provides a comfortable position during sleep, it keeps the head and upper body area at the right angle to prevent stomach contents from escaping. These pillows are designed with lightly filled or memory foam materials and offer comfort and support during sleep. It can be beneficial to use a reflux pillow to relieve reflux symptoms and have a better sleep experience.
