How does menstrual cramps pass? Causes menstrual pain, does it go away with natural treatment?

The condition, which is known as menstruation among the people, is also known as menstrual bleeding, a physiological condition experienced by women every month. This usually happens once every twenty-eight days. In some women this process is longer, while in others it is shorter. In menstrual bleeding, also called vaginal bleeding, pain occurs in some parts of the body. The severity of this pain varies from woman to woman. Menstrual pain is defined in the medical field as “primary dysmenorrhea”.

In women, the uterine wall begins to prepare for baby development at certain times. In the absence of fertilization, the tissues accumulated in the inner wall of the uterus must be shed. This shedding occurs with vaginal bleeding called menstruation. Under normal conditions, menstrual pain in women is a situation that happens to most women and gives serious problems to the person. While some women get over the menstrual period and pain related to the menstrual period more easily, some women get over it more severely. The intensity of pain may differ from person to person.

While menstrual pain is sometimes seen only in the abdomen and groin, it can sometimes hit the legs and waist. In addition, some women have more difficult periods, while others may experience regular bleeding every month. It is of great importance for women who say they have menstrual pain but cannot have a period, to see an obstetrician who is an expert in his field. There may be other serious health problems underlying the absence of menstruation. During the menstrual period, contractions occur in the uterine muscles and this is defined as menstrual pain. However, sometimes very painful pain can be experienced. This type of menstrual pain is defined as “secondary dysmenorrhea” in medical language. Reasons why menstrual cramps are so painful include:

  • psychological elements
  • Uterus or tumor in the uterus
  • Presence of tissue-like parts in the inner part of the uterine wall that need to be shed during the menstrual period
  • Fibroids and cysts
  • Polyp
  • The cervix is ​​narrower than normal
  • Infection in the uterus
  • Enlargement of the tissue covering the uterine region towards the muscular walls of the uterus

The reasons listed above are a major factor in the more painful menstrual period. It is of great importance to see a gynecologist without wasting time for pain that increases and does not go away during menstruation.

What are the symptoms of menstrual cramps?

Since the physiological condition of each woman is different, some women can overcome this process more easily. Some women experience it more severely. Some women feel pain like menstrual cramps during ovulation. This situation is considered normal by obstetricians. The reason for this situation is the process of exiting the egg from the ovary. In this process, the ovary cracks, causing pain. The symptoms of menstrual cramps are different. In general, menstrual pain symptoms in women include:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pain radiating to the legs or lower back
  • Nausea
  • Headache in some women
  • Pain in the groin area or inner thighs

The pain experienced during the menstrual period is sometimes very mild and sometimes severe. These pains usually appear before menstruation begins. After menstruation starts, there is an increase in pain and in the following days, these pains decrease. Pain threshold and endurance differ from woman to woman.

How does menstrual cramps pass?

Menstrual pain is an event that causes serious discomfort to a person. Some women may experience abdominal pain such as menstrual cramps. These pains are mostly seen in the lower abdomen part of the body. The reason for this may be due to menstruation, or it may be due to other diseases. If the period in which these pains are experienced is not the menstrual period, there may be conditions such as appendicitis, pregnancy outside the uterus, and intestinal obstruction. It is recommended to consult a doctor without wasting time for abdominal pain experienced outside the menstrual period. In addition, doctors do not recommend arbitrary use of drugs when experiencing such pain.

Some drugs are used to relieve menstrual pain. However, it is very important to use these drugs under the supervision of a doctor. There are many methods that can be done for the natural treatment of menstrual pain. Among these methods, heat application has a special importance. When heat is applied to the painful area, the muscles relax and this helps to reduce the pain. In addition, many alternative medicine methods are applied to relieve menstrual pain. It is recommended to consult alternative medicine specialists who are experts in their field for information on the subject.

Menstruation can be different for every woman. While some women get through this process painlessly or accompanied by mild pain, some women may experience pain to the point of tapping. Many experts recommend the following simple practices to women suffering from menstrual pain. It is possible to reduce menstrual pain with these applications. However, it is recommended to go to the doctor in case of increasing menstrual pain. Because there may be other health problems that cause these pains. Some of the methods that are good for severe menstrual pain are:

  • Putting a hot water bag on the groin area
  • Consumption of some herbal teas such as chamomile, fennel, mint tea
  • Drinking plenty of fluids and getting plenty of rest
  • Avoiding carbonated drinks and salty foods
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine consumption
  • Lying with knees pulled to abdomen
  • Massaging the groin area
  • Relaxing exercise such as yoga

If there is no decrease in pain despite the methods suggested above, it is recommended to go to an obstetrician as soon as possible. In addition, herbal teas consumed in some people may cause side effects. Therefore, it is useful to consult a doctor before consuming such drinks.
