How does cybercrime affect businesses? | SVT News

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

09.00 Alzheimer’s – a health challenge for healthcare
A hearing about what it is like to live with Alzheimer’s, about the current state of research, the costs to society and the effects of exercise on the brain. Organiser: Foundation Alzheimer Life etc. From 2/5.

11.00 The hearing: Ebba Busch (KD)
The Christian Democrats’ party leader Ebba Busch is questioned by the presenters Anders Holmberg and Camilla Kvartoft. Organizer: SVT. From 30/8. Part 6 of 8.

12.00 Report

12.03 The big challenges – is the EU part of the answer?
Sweden and Europe are facing a series of major challenges such as the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis and energy supply. Member of Parliament Joar Forssell (L) is interviewed about what role he thinks the EU should have in the work of finding solutions. Organiser: The European Commission in Sweden. From 4/7.

12.30 Press meeting with the Nordic and Baltic defense ministers DIREKT
On Friday 2 September, the defense ministers from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden will meet at the Gotland regiment, P 18, to discuss defense cooperation.

13.00 Police day – the parties’ criminal policy
The Minister of Justice and the other parties’ legal policy spokespersons are questioned before the election. Cast: Morgan Johansson (S), Linda Westerlund Snecker (V), Martin Marmgren (MP), Johan Forssell (M), Malin Björk (C), Andreas Carlson (KD), Katja Nyberg (SD), Paulina Brandberg (L) . Nadim Ghazale and Soledad Piñero Misa lead the hearing. Organizer: Police Association. From 25/8.

14.55 How does cybercrime affect companies?
More and more companies report that they have been the victims of cybercrime, and the attacks cost billions of kroner every year. What can be done about the new threats? Introduction by Pontus Johnson, professor of network and systems engineering at KTH. Other participants: Karl Lallerstedt, Svenskt Näringsliv, Marcus Murray, security company Truesec and Therese Naess, National Cyber ​​Security Centre. Organizer: SNS. From 31/8.

16.00 Report

16.05 Happened today

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