How does constipation pass, why does it happen? What is good for constipation, what are the foods that are good for constipation?

Constipation is a common problem of the digestive system and is one of the ailments that can affect the lives of many people. This condition can be caused by various factors in the digestive system and is usually associated with wrong eating habits, insufficient water consumption, sedentary lifestyle and some health problems. Constipation can negatively affect a person’s daily life, reduce energy levels and impair general health. To combat constipation, steps such as a healthy diet, adequate water consumption, regular exercise and lifestyle changes can be taken. It is also important to consult a doctor if constipation persists for a long time or causes severe symptoms.

What is constipation?

Constipation is a common problem of the digestive system and is characterized by irregular bowel movements. Delayed or forced stools, decreased need for frequent urination, and hard or small stools are among the symptoms of constipation. Constipation is often associated with insufficient fiber intake, low fluid intake, sedentary lifestyle, wrong eating habits, or certain health problems.

What causes constipation?

Constipation is a problem that can be caused by various factors in the digestive system. Here are some common factors that can cause constipation:

  • Insufficient fiber consumption increases the risk of constipation. Fiber regulates bowel movements by increasing the volume of stool. Not consuming foods that contain enough fiber can lead to hardening of the stool and slowing of bowel movements.
  • Water helps stools stay soft and pass easily. Not drinking enough water can lead to dry stools and difficult bowel movements.
  • Constant sitting or lack of physical activity can slow bowel movements. Not exercising regularly can prevent the intestinal tract from working properly.
  • Fast food, processed foods, low-fiber foods and excessively consumed fatty or sugary foods can adversely affect the health of the digestive system.
  • Hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause can have an impact on the digestive system and cause constipation.
  • Certain bowel diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can also cause constipation.

What causes constipation in children?

Constipation is a common digestive issue in children and can be a cause for concern for parents. Constipation is characterized by irregular bowel movements and difficult or delayed stool. Constipation in children and infants can often be a temporary problem, but in some cases it can become chronic. Constipation can affect children’s quality of life, leading to decreased appetite, abdominal pain and discomfort, restlessness and even urinary incontinence.

There are some common causes of constipation in children. These include insufficient fiber intake, low fluid consumption, sedentary lifestyle, wrong eating habits, and lack of regular toilet habits. In some children, medical conditions or medications that affect bowel movements can also cause constipation.

Although constipation in children is usually a temporary problem, it is important to consult a doctor if symptoms persist for a long time or become severe. The doctor will evaluate the child’s medical history, perform a physical exam, and order additional tests if necessary. With the right diagnosis and treatment, the child’s constipation problem can usually be corrected and healthy bowel movements can be restored.

How is constipation treated?

Constipation is a problem that occurs as a result of the irregularity of the digestive system. Fortunately, in most cases, there are some effective ways to relieve or completely relieve constipation. Here are a few suggestions about what is good for constipation:

  • Review your diet: Constipation is often associated with a lack of fiber. That’s why it’s important to add enough fiber to your daily diet. Fiber increases stool bulk and promotes bowel movements. Try to consume high-fiber foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fiber supplements.
  • For lots of water: Water helps stool soften and pass easily. Keeping your body well hydrated is an important factor in fighting constipation.
  • Exercise regularly: Physical activity stimulates bowel movements and supports digestive system health. Exercising regularly can reduce the risk of constipation.
  • Don’t delay the need for the toilet: Postponing the need for the toilet can cause the stool to absorb more water in the intestine and harden. When you feel the need to urinate and defecate, take care to go to the toilet immediately.
  • Use laxatives with caution: Laxatives are medications used to relieve constipation. However, long-term and excessive use can affect the natural movement of the intestines and lead to addiction. It is important to consult a doctor before using laxatives.
  • Manage stress: Stress can have a negative effect on the digestive system. You can resort to methods such as relaxation techniques, meditation or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress levels.

These methods can often help relieve or pass constipation. However, it is important to consult a doctor in case of chronic constipation or if your symptoms are severe. Your doctor can provide a treatment plan and recommendations specific to your situation.

What foods are good for constipation?

While struggling with the problem of constipation, it is important to review your diet and choose foods that are fibrous and easy to digest. Here are the things that are good for constipation:

  • Fibrous fruits: Fruits with high fiber content such as apples, pears, strawberries and blackberries are effective in combating constipation. Consuming the peels of these fruits will help you get more fiber.
  • Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, spinach, chard, kale, and peeled potatoes are ideal options to relieve constipation. These vegetables support digestion with their fiber and water content.
  • Whole grains: Whole grains such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal help relieve constipation. With its high fiber content, it increases the volume of stool and regulates bowel movements.
  • Dry beans: Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and beans prevent constipation with their fiber and protein content. Consuming legumes several times a week can regulate digestion.
  • Yogurt and probiotics: Thanks to the probiotics it contains, yogurt supports intestinal health and facilitates digestion. Other foods containing probiotics include kefir, pickles, sauerkraut, and probiotic drinks.
  • Walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts: Nuts are rich in fiber and healthy fats. It can help fight constipation when consumed in small amounts.
  • Water and fluids: Drinking enough water helps soften stools and facilitate bowel movements. In addition, freshly squeezed fruit juice, vegetable juice and herbal teas are also effective in relieving the problem of constipation.

It is important to regularly consume the above-mentioned foods in your diet in the fight against constipation. However, each individual’s digestive system is different, so it would be beneficial to consult a specialist considering your personal needs.

What is the definitive solution to constipation?

When the problem of constipation comes on suddenly, you can take some measures to get immediate relief. Some methods that can solve constipation:

  • Drinking water: Drinking a glass of warm water or herbal tea can help soften the stool. Water facilitates bowel movements and contributes to alleviating constipation.
  • Act: Light exercise or going for a walk can stimulate bowel movements. Moving your body also helps activate the intestines.
  • Consuming fibrous foods: Consuming fibrous foods during constipation increases the volume of stool and facilitates bowel movements. You can choose foods rich in fiber such as apples, pears, oatmeal.
  • Eating bananas: Banana is a fruit rich in potassium and fiber. It facilitates digestion and can alleviate the problem of constipation. Ripe bananas, in particular, may be more effective.
  • Consuming hot drinks: Hot drinks such as herbal teas, especially chamomile, mint or fennel teas can stimulate bowel movements and relieve constipation.

You can follow these simple steps to provide instant solution to constipation. However, if constipation is recurring or getting worse, it is important to consult a qualified healthcare professional.
