How does a sty in the eye pass, what are the symptoms? Why does a sty in the eye come out, what is it good for?

Among the factors that cause the formation of styes, inadequate eye cleaning, sharing eye makeup, weak immune system and stress can take place. Styes are usually a self-healing condition, but some home remedies can provide relief. Applying warm compresses, keeping the eyelids clean, and using antibacterial eye drops can speed up the healing process of a stye.

Why does a stye appear in the eye?

An eye stye usually occurs as a result of an infection or inflammation caused by bacteria called staphylococcus. Staphylococcus bacteria can settle in the skin pores around the sebaceous glands or eyelash roots around the eyes. As a result of these bacteria multiplying and creating an infection, a stye may develop. Causes of styes on the eyelid:

  • Not cleaning the eyes regularly or being in unhygienic environments can cause bacteria to accumulate around the eyes and cause styes.
  • Sharing eye make-up materials with others can lead to bacterial contamination and styes.
  • The reduction of the natural oil layer in the eyes or the dryness of the eyes can contribute to the formation of styes.
  • People with weakened immune systems may be more prone to infections and problems such as styes.
  • Being under intense stress can lower body resistance and increase the risk of styes.

Styes are not usually contagious, but it is important to follow hygiene rules to prevent the bacteria from being transferred to another person or to another eye. Taking care of hand hygiene, not sharing eye make-up materials, and cleaning the eye area regularly can help prevent styes.

What are the symptoms of eye styes?

It is important to consult an ophthalmologist if a stye on the eyelid has severe pain, vision problems, or if it occurs recurrently. The doctor may recommend antibiotics or other treatment modalities if needed. A stye usually heals on its own within a few days, but if it’s causing serious or persistent problems, it’s important to seek professional medical attention. An eye stye often causes obvious symptoms. Here are some of the symptoms of eye styes:

  • A stye usually manifests as a swelling on the edge or inside of the eyelid. This swelling may be limited to a certain area of ​​the eyelid.
  • The stye area often appears red and irritated. Redness of the skin around the eyelid becomes evident.
  • Touching or applying gentle pressure to the stye area can cause a feeling of tenderness or pain. The eyelid may be sensitive and uncomfortable.
  • When the stye matures, a small hardness or mass may be felt under the eyelid. This is an accumulation of the inflamed gland or sebaceous gland inside the stye.
  • There may be constant watering of the eye. It may also be accompanied by itching or burning in the eye.

These symptoms usually decrease and disappear with the spontaneous healing process of the stye. However, if the symptoms become severe, the sty grows or persists for a long time, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist will prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.

How is a stye in the eye treated?

The sty in the eye usually heals on its own, but the following methods can provide relief and accelerate the healing process. Treatments that can be done for the problem of styes on the eyelid:

  • Dip a clean cloth or cotton ball in hot water and wring out excess water. Then apply as a warm compress on the eyelid. The temperature should be warm and comfortable. This can speed up the healing process of the stye by increasing the drainage of the inflamed glands.
  • It is important to keep the sty area clean. Cleanse the eye area gently but avoid rubbing hard. You can use an eye cleaning solution or warm salt water for cleaning.
  • You can use antibacterial eye drops with the recommendation of your doctor. These drops can relieve the infection caused by the stye and reduce the symptoms.
  • Avoid using eye makeup during the stye process. Makeup materials can cause bacterial buildup and delay the healing process of the stye.
  • The habit of rubbing the eyes can increase the irritation of the stye area and cause the infection to spread. Be sure to gently clean the eyes rather than rubbing them.

It is important to see an ophthalmologist if the stye is causing severe pain, vision problems, or recurring. The doctor can recommend prescription medications or procedures as needed. It is important to seek professional medical help when self-medication is insufficient.

What is good for a stye in the eye?

It is important to consult a doctor before applying herbal and natural treatments. It will be safe to use under the direction of a qualified healthcare professional, as there may be any risk of allergies, side effects, or interactions with medications. It is also important to consult an ophthalmologist if the stye is in severe pain, vision problems, or if it persists for a long time. Some herbal and natural treatment methods for eye stye are:

  • Aloe Vera Gel: The gel of the aloe vera plant can be applied directly to the stye area. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve inflammation.
  • Tea: Dip a tea bag in hot water and then squeeze it gently. Apply the hot tea infusion on the stye. The tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and can help heal a sty.
  • Chamomile Tea: Add a chamomile tea bag to a glass of boiling water and let it steep for 5-10 minutes. You can rinse the eye using the cooled tea or apply it as a warm compress. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties.
  • Coconut Oil: Gently rub pure coconut oil on the stye area. Coconut oil can relieve infection and moisturize the skin, thanks to its antimicrobial properties.
  • Propolis: Propolis is a natural bee product, a substance produced by bees. You can gently apply propolis to the stye area. Propolis may have antimicrobial properties and help fight infection.

It is thought that a stye on the eyelid is envied by the public and therefore the evil eye is touched by that person. In other words, stye appearing in the eye among the people is an evil eye. However, it should not be forgotten that a sty on the eyelid is a medical condition and should be approached accordingly. A stye in the eye is a condition that occurs as a result of an eye infection. Styes occur as a result of inflammation of the sebaceous gland or eyelash root on the eyelid. This inflammation is usually caused by a bacterial infection.
