How do you help a gifted child channel their kindness?

How do you help a gifted child channel their kindness

Gifted children very early show a great curiosity of mind, it would even be one of their main characteristics, sometimes causing the exhaustion of those around them, in a hurry to teach them to read so that they seek alone the answers to their multiple and incessant Questions.

These perceptive children quickly understood that knowledge was a key to better understand the mechanisms governing the vast universe and therefore to trace their route more easily. This taste for knowledge and this joy in advancing on one’s path breathe an admirable vitality into these children who are curious about everything: it is not a question of the vain desire to accumulate knowledge in a bulimic way, they are in a hurry to forge weapons who will be part of their personality, not to attack anyone, they are not bellicose, but to better know how to build an effective system for moving forward.

Knowledge at the service of their kindness

Their fundamental kindness prohibits them from attacking and they do not even understand the aggressiveness of others, especially when nothing justifies it. It is also the paradoxical naivety of gifted children that exposes them to the attacks of perverts, since they cannot conceive so much gratuitous darkness. For them, understanding a sequence of facts, deducing the consequences of an event allow them to adjust the most appropriate reaction as closely as possible, and precisely the perversity ignores logic, its own is distorted, which is why it escapes understanding of sensible people. If you want to direct your destiny according to your desires and your preferences, you have to know how to recognize them, to specify all the aspects and then to organize yourself to obtain the greatest possible satisfaction. This reality requires sharp weapons such as school must provide: logic, both grammatical and mathematical, makes it possible to find irrefutable arguments., aided in this work by the art of convincing demonstration and discussion; Supported by the discovery of the works and writings of scholars, philosophers, writers and poets, these mental approaches acquire great effectiveness. The choice of this ammunition is made according to the tastes, preferences and also the gifts of each: those who evolve in the universe of mathematics with always equal pleasure, will make their choice on this logic, which enchants them. , but it can also allow a relevant defense against any speech or any demonstration which would deviate from it. They can’t be fooled, they don’t even need to be defensive, they rely on their unstoppable logic to avoid pitfalls, but before that they had to practice to acquire this confidence; this weapon has been forged for a long time to achieve such mastery. A clear language, with the chosen vocabulary, reflects a thought of an irrefutable logic: a fault, even tiny, in a speech or a demonstration removes any credibility from them.

The passions, too, contribute to forging its weapons

When you become a specialist, you are unbeatable. The self-image acquires more strength and density. Gifted children have clearly understood that it is necessary to learn to lead a certain fight to trace one’s path, even if a favorable environment during childhood may have led one to think that this fight would be useless: good studies in favorable conditions, an entry in life facilitated by the absence of financial problems, a close and understanding entourage is not enough in the long run. Even then, the gifted child ran into all sorts of misunderstandings at an early age, practically unavoidable in his situation, he had to urgently discover how to protect himself without clashing head-on with those who did not grasp his nature, but whose you had to defend yourself well to avoid too painful injuries.

Force his nature

If one does not possess the state of mind of a fighter, these misunderstandings hinder the development of the personality, they ensnare its most specific aspects, existence will not keep its promises as it should have. It is indeed a state of mind that it is: the ability to pull yourself together, to quickly regain your strength comes from deep within yourself.. It was necessary to integrate very early that ultimately, there will not always be help to facilitate progress in life, as some have had when entering adulthood.
An event occurs, sometimes only an individual disturbing a trajectory that one would have thought easy to follow, and it is then necessary without delay to lead a combat sometimes subtle, sometimes violent – even if it is with tact, to find the parades – even if one does not always win, the defeat will then be amortized if it becomes inevitable despite all the strategies found in the emergency. Some circumstances leave no chance, but you manage to recover and soothe your bruises. The gifted child has often understood very early on the need to forge effective weapons : If only through his reading, he quickly grasped that good, order, justice and law do not necessarily triumph, as should happen in a harmonious and well-regulated universe. It was quite naturally that he then began to forge the weapons that would be the easiest for him to handle, he did not need anyone to encourage him to do so or demonstrate this necessity to him: it was a spontaneous step on his part, his parents may not even have noticed. In any case, they are accustomed to being surprised and disconcerted by their child, but, generally, they do not suppose him to be sufficiently mature to have already grasped that the notion of combat was essential in the construction of the personality: it is necessary to stand ready, even if there is no threat, simply, it is important to remember that nothing is ever truly acquired.

Model heroes to their measure

Gifted children love chivalric novels : these valiant knights, who did not hesitate to go into battle as long as it was for a noble cause, are, for a time, their heroes; their desire to train, at least mentally, to fight draws its sources from historical depths. A little later, the valiant heroes of science fiction, who save the earth thanks to their heroic courage supported by their acute intelligence, in turn become role models., even guides, when they face absolute evil. It is not a question of becoming a warrior constantly living with a weapon in hand, but of keeping in mind that one can always be called upon to defend one’s ideas, to present them clearly to avoid misunderstandings, and above all that It is in oneself that one finds the necessary strength. Added to this is perseverance, an essential quality to follow through on one’s undertakings. Parents know this from their own experience, but they would like to protect their child, spare him the difficult times they have known, while being aware of the need to adopt a firm attitude as often as possible: it helps to form the character , without useless and sterile revolt.

Advice: it is important to transmit these essential notions which make it possible to build oneself in a more solid way, one can rely on the literature, but above all console the sorrows and heal the wounds by showing that one can always then recover and continue his path.
