How do we stimulate our brain power? ‘Acetylcholine and epinephrine’ detail… You will be surprised when you hear it

How do we stimulate our brain power Acetylcholine and epinephrine

Alican Elkorek, who made a name for himself with his broadcasts on the “Human States” channel on YouTube, talked about how to transform the brain and how we can improve our brains in this episode of his podcast.

‘How do we trigger our brain power?’ In his video titled, “Today we are talking about focus protocols for learning and working! We give tactics about the tools and concentration methods required for neuroplastic triggering. In addition, we talk about the nutritional supplements necessary for the brain. We talk about brain transformation with neuroplasticity, the effects of dopamine on our motivation, methods to increase our focus power, UDD In this video, we will discuss many important topics from Sleep to Deep Rest, and information that you will be surprised to hear is waiting for you in this video. Thank you for listening to me on this journey. There is much more to be discovered in our minds!” He stated:

“How does the brain transform? What is neuroplasticity? How can we learn, work, focus better?” Looking for an answer, Elkorek shared the following information;

“In this article, we want to explore mental transformation and focus on our potential to reinvent our brain. Yes, the main theme we will talk about today is neuroplasticity. This biological process is at the heart of all our actions and choices regarding our ability to learn, change, gain or lose habits.

Generally, we continually produce new neurons until we reach age 25. However, what we really need in the process of learning and development is not new neurons, but new connections between existing neurons. You can think of these connections like the infrastructure of a city: roads, bridges or small paths.

When we decide to learn something new or change our life, the first step is to raise awareness. This is not a mystical enlightenment, but a mental awareness; It is a flare. Then, neuroplasticity comes into play. First, we must determine what we want to change, intend these changes, and be ready to take conscious actions.

Let’s put aside the myth that our brain undergoes structural changes; New experiences. This, of course, enriches our perspective, but it does not usually change the main structures of our brain. Our brain changes when it interacts with certain chemical signals, and the key to these signals is paying our attention precisely to that process of change. We said that our number of neurons remains almost constant after the age of 25, so while creating or strengthening new habits, we also get rid of unnecessary ones.
As you concentrate, stay focused, and stick to certain tactics, mental transformation is inevitable. To explain why focus is so important scientifically; As our brain chemistry focuses, it begins to secrete molecules necessary for neuroplastic change.

In our previous article, we talked about how our eyes, brain and central nervous system work together and emphasized that change comes through our focus and actions. We also noted that neuroplasticity occurs during sleep. To understand this subject better, I recommend you watch that article and even the relevant episode on YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe too.


There are several ways to access the acetylcholine and epinephrine molecules we need to effect brain changes. First, love; that is, the love we feel for our work, our goals, our desire and being purposed for something. This is a factor that increases our focus. The second method is well-intentioned fear, which is a positive pressure; Sometimes you can think of it as anxiety, sometimes as pressure about a deadline. In these cases, the molecules mentioned are secreted and neuroplasticity is initiated.

If you want to increase your ability to focus, that is, if you want to easily access the epinephrine and acetylcholine molecules, you must start this with your behavior. Try focusing mentally, meditate in your free time and increase this time. Meditation is one of the most effective practices that increases your ability to focus.

Another method to hack the brain is the relationship between mental and visual focus. When we focus visually, we can also focus mentally. In other words, even looking at an object on your desk for 30 seconds before you start working warms up your focus and the process begins. Give your visual focus to any object for a while, and mental focus will follow.

A frequently asked question is: Supplements for neuroplasticity. After weeks or even months of practicing the basic behaviors, if you really need it and are entering a period of intense focus, you can try these supplements at your own discretion. You can also find information about these supplements in the video.

Finally, let’s take a look at the content we passively consume. We know that the content we receive from platforms such as television, Instagram and TikTok is sometimes rich and high-quality, and sometimes addictive and ridiculous. In fact, social media is both a blessing and a curse. How we use it and what we consume is very important. It is unclear how useful some content is for us and whether it has the potential to move us forward. Putting the phone in another room while it is working is a critical step. If the phone is on your desktop, it’s hard to focus without distraction. Therefore, moving the phone away from your physical world is a more effective solution. Remove the phone from your visual field and you will see the difference.


At this point, I end the article by making a small summary and additions:

1.If we want to learn and grow as an adult, we must focus and sleep well.
2. To work, we must find the time during the day when our attention is at its highest.
3. We must determine and increase the time we focus on our goal.
4. We must learn our limits and increase them slowly.
5. We must use caffeine carefully (too much can cause anxiety).
6. We must remove the phone from the environment.
7. We must repeat what we have learned regularly.
8. We must find logical reasons for the issues we want to change and hold on to these reasons by believing.

By following these tactics, you can begin your own mental transformation and live a more conscious, focused life.”

