How do under-eye bruises go away? How to treat under eye bruises?

How do under eye bruises go away How to treat under

Although fatigue is the most common explanation for dark circles, there are many reasons for this condition. In most cases, dark circles are not a cause for concern and do not require medical attention. Under-eye dark circles cause aesthetic problems. So, will the under-eye bruises go away? Is there a solution for dark circles under the eyes? What causes dark circles under the eyes? Here are all the curiosities…


Insomnia: Excessive tiredness, not getting enough sleep or sleeping more than usual can cause dark circles under the eyes.

Age: The natural aging process is a common cause of dark circles under the eyes.

Eyestrain: Looking at television, computer, tablet and phone screens can cause significant strain on the eyes. If this tension continues for a long time, it causes the blood vessels around the eyes to dilate. As a result, the areas around and under the eyes take on a dark appearance.

Genetics: If bruises under the eyes are common in family members, the incidence of the same condition in other individuals is higher than in the normal population.

Other causes are allergic reactions, not consuming enough water and excessive exposure to the sun.


Treatment for dark eye circles depends on the underlying cause. However, there are some methods that can help manage this condition. The following can be tried to deal with dark circles under the eyes:

Applying a cold compress: A cold compress can help reduce swelling and constrict enlarged blood vessels. Thus, the puffy appearance under the eyes is reduced and the clarity of dark circles may decrease. For this purpose, a few ice cubes can be wrapped in a clean towel and applied to the eyes. The same effect can be achieved by moistening a cloth with cold water and applying it to the skin under the eyes for 20 minutes.

Increasing sleep time: Getting enough sleep can also help reduce the appearance of dark circles. Because sleep deprivation can make your skin look pale, making dark circles more noticeable. It may be necessary to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day to prevent dark circles from appearing.

Raising the head while sleeping: While insufficient sleep can play a role in the formation of dark circles and bags under the eyes, the way the person lies can also be effective. During sleep, it is beneficial to raise the head with a few pillows to prevent fluid collection under the eyes and swelling due to this.


Tea bag

Applying cold tea bags to the eyes can improve the appearance of bruises. Two black or green tea bags are soaked in hot water for five minutes. Then, the tea bags are allowed to cool in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. Cold tea bags are applied for 10 to 20 minutes with the eyes closed. After the procedure is finished, the eyes are washed with cold water.

coconut oil

Massaging the under eyes with coconut oil every night can reduce dark circles. Coconut oil is a rich source of vitamin E, which can repair damaged skin cells.


Soaking two slices of cucumber in lemon juice for 5 minutes and placing them on the eyes can reduce the effects of dark circles. However, care should be taken not to let the eyes come into contact with lemon juice during application.

rose water

A cotton pad is dipped in rose water and placed on closed eyelids for 15 minutes.


Two cotton balls are dipped in cold milk and placed under the eyes.

under eye


Chemical peels to reduce pigmentation

Laser therapy to renew and tighten the skin

Medical tattoo application in the form of pigment injection into thinned skin areas under the eyes

Tissue filler injection to hide blood vessels and melanin that cause skin discoloration under the eyes

Aesthetic applications to the eyelids to remove excess oil and skin that cause eye bags.

Surgical placement of fat or synthetic implants under the eye

Before deciding on any cosmetic procedure, treatment options should be discussed in detail with the doctor.
