How Do I Know If I Have Been Blocked on Telegram? – Mobile

How Do I Know If I Have Been Blocked on

One of the most popular social media platforms today. Telegram, hosts many users. Especially with the outbreak of the pandemic, the number of users showed a great increase. By blocking the people you want on Telegram, you can prevent them from reaching you. Of course, other people can also block you at any time. In today’s article, we will give you the answer to the question of how do I know if I am blocked on Telegram.

Telegram is a communication application where you can communicate with users in voice, video and text. You can use the application from the web, your computer and your mobile phone at the same time. to 200,000 people You can communicate with large audiences at the same time by creating groups of up to

You can register to the application with a phone number, but you can make calls without giving your phone number to other people. So your phone number Telegram You can hide it from users.

How Do I Know If I Have Been Blocked?

The easiest way to find out that you have been blocked on Telegram is to search. If you try to call a person on Telegram and the call is closed without establishing a connection, you are blocked. Regardless of voice or video call, the person to whom your calls are not connected has blocked you. Your calls may not be forwarded due to various problems. For this reason, we recommend that you try to search several times in different time zones.

Another answer to the question of how do I know if I’ve been blocked on Telegram is to make bios invisible. In Telegram, every user has a bio section in their profile. Anyone who wants can write something in this section. If you were able to view a person’s bio in the past but can’t now, you’ve been blocked.

When you enter a chat, the last seen date is written at the top of the screen, below the username. If a person is last seena long time agoIf it says “, you may be blocked. the person next to you Telegram if it has stopped using it means you are not blocked; You are blocked in all possibilities except this one.

how do i know if i am blocked on telegram
  • Last seen recently — Covers anything from 1 second to 2-3 days
  • Last seen in a week — Between 2-3 days and 7 days
  • Last seen in a month — Between 6-7 days and a month
  • Last seen a long time ago — more than a month (This is always shown to blocked users)

Here are the indicators you can check for the question of How do I know if I’ve been blocked on Telegram. who blocked you Telegram It is not shared directly by For this reason, you should examine the above-mentioned cases one by one.

See also: Telegram Enters the New Year with a Big Update!
