How do I contact the emergency services during a power outage?

How do I contact the emergency services during a power

The government is preparing for possible power cuts this winter. If without electricity the telephone antennas will not be able to function, a solution is planned to ensure contact with the emergency services during power cuts.

Power outages are a possibility to be prepared for. In mid-November, the electricity transmission network (RTE) announced a “high” risk of voltage on the power lines from January 2023. With insufficient energy production and the arrival of potential cold spells, resorting to load shedding would be a solution, although the measure is described as a “last resort”. The first elements of the government’s plan on the use of rotating load shedding were unveiled on Thursday, December 1 and confirmed that the telephone and internet networks provided by antennas placed in the off-load zone would be affected in the event of a power cut. “It is illusory to imagine that in the event of load shedding, we will be able to maintain a continuous service for all French people”, admitted the general manager. of Orange, Christel Heydemann in the columns of World. Problem, if the telephone network is out of service, “access to emergency number services” may also be disrupted. So, what solution is left for the French to contact the emergency services during power cuts?

The use of 112 highly recommended

A single emergency number is required in the event of power cuts: 112, the European emergency number. Both the government and the telecommunications network managers have confirmed the information and the executive plans to communicate during the winter and in the event of an announced power cut. 112 “is the only emergency number that can limit any antenna regardless of its operator”, the government has already informed the French. Recourse to the number 112 is not, however, a miracle solution because “if [les services mobiles] are turned off in a geographic area for two hours, there will be no access to emergency number services for a time,” said Christel Heydemann, CEO of Orange before the Senate Economic Affairs Committee.

Is 112 enough to take all calls?

The government’s plan for possible power outages provides that the human resources available in the emergency call centers responsible for centralizing and handling all calls will be reinforced during but also two hours before and two hours after the cuts. , note European 1. This reinforcement is also required in the gendarmerie brigades and police stations. A tenfold increase in forces designed to be able to meet greater demand. Faced with the situation, awareness-raising communications to encourage the French to use 112 only in the event of real emergencies could be organized. For simple information on the power cut or other, hotlines in town halls are provided for by the government plan.

Does the 112 emergency number work everywhere?

Another problem arises with the use of 112. Although the emergency number is the only one that can be limited by all antennas, there are still white areas where the number does not work. The public authorities have asked to map all these areas in order to be able to remedy them and make 112 available and reachable everywhere by January.
