How do dogs see the world?

How do dogs see the world

The idea is widely held that dogs see black and white. However, scientists are categorical: even if they are not as well equipped as we are, our four-legged friends can distinguish certain colors.

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Now is the time to take your mind off the idea that dogs see the world in black and white. Of course, their visual abilities are more limited than ours. But they are still able to distinguish colors. Or at least some of them.

Let us first remember that our perception of images is constructed from photoreceptors that focus on our retina. Those in the form of sticks allow us to perceive the light, those in the form of cones, to distinguish the colors. Thus our perception of colors is a function of these photoreceptors and of the interpretation made of them by our brain.

An application allows you to see the world through the eyes of a dog (bottom photo).  © AndredosArcanos, Pixabay, CC0 Creative Commons and Andras Peter, Dog Vision

The dog’s vision

The way we see the world is not limited to how we can distinguish colors. So, note that dogs are short-sighted by nature. And some breeds, like the German Shepherd, more than others. They also have difficulty judging distances accurately. On the other hand, dogs are better at perceiving movements only men. They record 50 images per second while we perceive only 20. A skill useful to the predators that they are. Their field of view is also wider than ours. It stretches 240 ° against 180 ° for us.

On the color side, finally, know that the dog, like most mammals – and even some humans – is a dichromate. This means that he does not have on his retina than two types of cones. So dogs can clearly distinguish yellow and blue. But they have a harder time with red. And the colors they see are overall duller than the ones we can see.

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