how did Martin Fayulu calculate the salaries of deputies?

how did Martin Fayulu calculate the salaries of deputies

Opponent Martin Fayulu explains following the press release which caused an uproar in the country. In this text, the opponent denounced the amount of emoluments of national deputies. He claims that Congolese deputies earn $21,000 monthly. But how did he make this calculation?

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

Before 2022, says the opponent, an MP already earned 13,564.8 USD in salary, including various bonuses. But since January and faced with the improvement in revenue, bonuses have increased by more than 1613.8 USD and a section has been added to the pay of deputies: parliamentary reserves. According to Fayulu, each elected official earns more than $5,214.5 from these reserves. The opponent claims to have material evidence of this.

He says he also has evidence concerning the attendance bonuses paid during committee work and each time the parliament meets in congress. Congolese deputies, still according to Fayulu, are also entitled to 3,000 USD twice a year for parliamentary holidays. This point and other headings have been denied by some elected officials whom we contacted for verification.

Other gratifications, according to Martin Fayulu, finally intervene at each independence day. It is on the basis of these amounts that the opponent claims to arrive at the average of 21,000 dollars monthly.

Its total does not take into account the motivation that the deputies of the camp in power perceive outside the normal circuit of pay. A bonus that the beneficiaries call ” invisible “. These sums are added to the benefits in kind such as the diplomatic passport, a jeep and health insurance.

Read also: The controversy swells over the salary of deputies in the Democratic Republic of Congo

It is the Congolese taxpayer’s money. We have every right to know how our money is being used. It can’t go on like this. It’s open corruption.

In the streets of Kinshasa, the inhabitants digest the veil of these emoluments badly
