How dangerous is the air near a cruising ground? The chief doctor investigates

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Exactly how bad the air will be in Rättvik is impossible to say because no measurements are currently being taken, but according to Martin Tondel it can be assumed that there will be elevated values ​​of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide this week.

Can become acute problems

For people who belong to sensitive groups, such as children or people with heart problems, acute problems and respiratory problems can occur when inhaling too much air pollution. But breathing it in for a short period is most likely not dangerous in the long term.

– If you are talking about a cruising event like this, there is likely to be high exposure for a fairly short time, but for those staying there it probably has no long-term effect.

“Should take measurements”

Do you think measurements should be taken in Rättvik in a week like this?

– Yes, if you are going to make a better risk assessment than the general one I can make, then you should make measurements. Then I think that you should do tests along a street where you have cruising to identify where you can risk the highest exposure levels.

Hear the chief physician Martin Tondel answer three questions about air pollution in the clip.
