How can you get rid of hair loss? Causes and solutions of hair loss

How can you get rid of hair loss Causes and

Hair loss draws attention as one of the most common problems in both men and women from past to present. While everyone is looking for different remedies to get rid of hair loss, doctors emphasize that people should first seek help from specialists because there is more than one reason for hair loss.


Hormonal disorders should be investigated in female patients with male pattern hair loss. Especially male hormone, adrenal gland hormone, thyroid hormone, milk hormone should be researched and treatment should be started for these problems. Dermatology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Gökhan Okan talked about the causes and solutions of hair loss…


There are three main phases of hair growth. The period when the hair grows and proliferates is called anagen, the period when it regresses is called ketogen, and the period when it is shed is called the telogen phase. The telogen phase is the resting period of the hair. This period lasts an average of 30-90 days and the hairs are shed during this period.

It is normal for a person to lose about 100 strands of hair a day. An excessive increase in this number is considered as hair loss. Hair loss develops due to different reasons. Hormonal or genetic shedding, which we call male type, general hair loss called telogen loss, hair loss caused by diseases in the scalp, and hair loss caused by wrong cosmetics applied to the hair are the most important of these reasons.

In the shedding, which is called telogen shedding, shedding is seen throughout the hair. There is an excess of hair follicles entering the telogen period. Nutritional deficiencies, strict diet, hormonal problems, febrile illnesses, acute blood loss, some drugs used, thyroid gland diseases, chronic diseases are among the reasons that cause this type of shedding. Iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, zinc, biotin, vitamin D, tests related to some rheumatological diseases may be requested in patients with general hair loss complaints. It should be considered that stress also has an effect on the formation of this type of shedding.


Male pattern shedding is a genetically originated shedding that develops with the effect of hormones. It is under the influence of androgen hormones, and the hereditary structure is also effective in its development. It is seen as opening in the entire area of ​​the hair in women; In men, it starts from the forehead, becomes prominent on both sides and appears as thinning on the upper part of the hair. It mostly starts to appear in men in their 20s-30s, but it can also start in later ages.

Some hormonal problems in women can cause this type of shedding. Hormonal disorders should be investigated in female patients with male pattern hair loss. Especially male hormone, adrenal gland hormone, thyroid hormone, milk hormone should be researched and treatment should be started for these problems. Some diseases that settle in the scalp cause hair loss by damaging the hair root.


In diseases involving the scalp, there are other complaints such as redness, itching, flaking, dandruff, apart from hair loss. In this type of shedding, it is important to diagnose early and start treatment early. Delay in treatment may cause permanent hair loss. Early initiation of treatment helps to protect healthy hair by preventing the progression of the disease. External substances applied to the hair damage the hair follicles and cause shedding. When used frequently and for a long time, hair dyes, straighteners, hair gels and hair foams increase the fragility of the hair and increase shedding.


How to approach patients who present with hair loss? In a patient who presents with hair loss, the type of hair loss is determined first. Whatever type of hair loss is present, appropriate research is done. In a patient presenting with general hair loss, some blood tests are requested for a possible cause. If there is a suspicion of hair loss caused by a disease on the scalp, a biopsy is taken from the scalp and the disease is diagnosed. With the treatment for the disease, damage to the new hair follicles is prevented. A detailed history of the hair products used by the patients is taken. If there is use of wrong hair product, it is recommended that the patient cut it.


Assoc. Dr. Gökhan Okan said, “If vitamin deficiency is found, the deficiency is completed, and if a hormonal problem is detected, patients are referred to an endocrinology or obstetrician. When nutritional deficiencies are detected, supplementation is made with foods. When necessary, patients are directed to a dietitian and their eating habits are regulated.


There are products with herbal ingredients to stop hair loss. Although the scientific efficacy of some of them has been proven, their efficacy alone may not be sufficient. They can be used as a supplement to treatments.

A method applied to reduce hair loss and revitalize existing hair is hair mesotherapy. With hair mesotherapy, vitamins, minerals and drugs that increase blood circulation are injected directly into the hair roots. The drugs used are safe. It is applied without the need for anesthesia. While frequent applications are made at the beginning, the intervals become longer in the following sessions. It must be done in safe hands. When the treatment is completed, a decrease in shedding and fullness in the hair are achieved.


Another method used in the treatment of hair loss is PRP. In the PRP process, the growth factor components in the blood are purified by certain methods. It is then injected into the scalp. The aim is to increase blood circulation in the scalp, to provide more oxygen, to develop hair follicles and to ensure the growth of hair strands. Since the application is made with an extract obtained from the human’s own blood, it is extremely safe and has no side effects. It should be repeated at regular intervals,” he said.

