How big is the fetus in fruit? The answer in images

How big is the fetus in fruit The answer in

Week by week, discover how the fetus evolves, and above all, to which fruit it corresponds roughly according to its size. Apricot, melon or watermelon… Thanks to our infogra (fruit), you will have a more concrete idea of ​​what it looks like!

When you are pregnant, you tend to wait for appointments with the sonographer which allow you to meet your baby, to discover him and to see on screen his very small size, which we see little by little evolving over time. of pregnancy. Baby is growing fast and continues to develop, to grow… So much so that you sometimes have difficulty keeping up with its rhythm, and getting a precise idea of ​​what it looks like. Because when your gynecologist or midwife tells you that at the 18th week of pregnancy, baby measures on average 20 cm and weighs 250 g, it is difficult to realize its progress. Very often, to have a more concrete idea, we can compare the size of a baby to that of a fruit.

At 18 weeks pregnant for example, your baby is about the size of an artichoke, and when you are at the end of your pregnancy, baby will have the size of a melon, then a watermelon!…More meaningful, right? From poppy seeds to pears, apples, corn cobs, eggplants and even pineapples… Here are the baby size fruity matches!

Baby size in fruits, week by week © Women’s Journal
Month of pregnancyPregnancy weeksWhat fruit?
1 month4 weeks pregnant (GS)Poppy seeds
2 months

5 GS

Apple seeds
6 GSSmall weights
7 GSBlueberry
8 GSRaspberry
3 months9 GSOlive
11 GSLime
12 GSPlum
13 GSLemon
4 months14 GS


15 GSApple
16 GS


17 GSPear
5 months18 GSBell pepper
19 GSLarge tomato
21 GSCarrot
22 GSPapaya
6 months23 GSGrapefruit
24 GSCorn on the cob
25 SGRutabaga
26 GSSalad
7 months27 GSCauliflower
28 GSEggplant
29 GSSquash
30 SGHeaded cabbage
8 months31 GSCoconut
32 GSJicama
33 GSPineapple
34 GSButternut squash
9 months35 SGMelon
36 GSSwiss chard
37 GSWaxy squash
38 GSPumpkin
39 GSWatermelon
