How and where to get a blood group card? How to get an e-pulse and e-Government blood group card?

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Human blood is divided into four main groups with different characteristics: A, B, AB and 0. These groups are determined by the antigens found on the surface of red blood cells. In addition, another characteristic called the Rh factor classifies the blood group as positive (+) or negative (-). Therefore, there are eight different blood group combinations: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, 0+ and 0-. A blood group card may be required in some official works, job recruitments and health procedures.

What is a blood type card?

A blood type card is an official document that shows your blood type (A, B, AB or 0) and Rh factor (positive or negative). It allows your blood type to be determined quickly in emergencies or when donating blood. It helps to determine your blood type quickly when a blood transfusion or medical intervention is needed. This can save time and save lives. When donating blood, knowing your blood type in advance ensures that the right blood is given to the right person. In some cases, such as job applications or gym memberships, blood type information may be requested. A blood type card can replace a document in such cases.

How to get a blood group card?

For the question of where to get a blood group card, a person can apply to a health center (Family Health Center). The most common and easiest way to get a blood group card is to apply to a family doctor or a health center. A blood group card can also be obtained from health institutions, state hospitals or health centers. In order to get a blood group card, it is necessary to apply to a health center and donate blood. After the necessary procedures are completed after donating blood, a person can obtain a blood group card from these health institutions.

Can a blood group card be obtained from the emergency department?

No, you cannot get a blood group card from an emergency room. Emergency rooms focus on urgent medical attention and treatment and do not have the time or facilities to perform administrative tasks such as blood group cards.

How to get an e-Pulse blood group card?

Unfortunately, the blood group card cannot be obtained via e-Pulse. However, the blood group card can be viewed via e-Government or e-Pulse, and the person’s blood group can be learned. Therefore, it will not be possible to answer the question of how to obtain an e-Pulse blood group card. The blood group card can only be obtained from health centers, state hospitals, and the Red Crescent if data entry has been made. It is only possible to access the person’s blood group information via e-Pulse.
