It’s over – for now. The world-famous fast-food chain is ending its AI experiment at the drive-thru. Simply too often, desperate customers.
AI at McDonalds? I didn’t even notice. McDonald’s has been testing AI when ordering at the drive-thru for around two years – but only at 100 locations. The chance that you’ll drive through one of these locations is relatively low. The test run will end in July, as Restaurant Business reports. Even if the test run is publicly considered a preliminary success.
Why does the test end? The company does not reveal the exact reasons, but if you look around a bit, you might get an idea of what the problem might be. There are numerous reports on the Internet, either in written or video form, that the AI misunderstands verbal orders relatively often. What ultimately appears on the receipt is sometimes disturbing – or very expensive.
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What happened? A particularly funny case on TikTok (you must be logged in to watch it) shows a misunderstanding in which the AI stubbornly assumes that the customer absolutely wants ham on his ice cream.
During another ordering incident, the AI assumed that the customers were very hungry: enough for 20 McNuggets meals for a whopping 300 euros.
So no more AI at McDonalds? Yes, it will come back. As McDonalds emphasized to Restaurant Business. A solution for voice orders in the drive-thru is part of the future of McDonalds restaurants, commented the system catering group. The company wants to decide on a solution by the end of the year – even if the test run with exactly this variant is ended for now.
However, artificial intelligence in all its forms can do much more than (potentially) help people order unhealthy food. Some people are even using it to achieve political success. For example, Steve Endacott, who is running as an extension of an AI to get a seat in the British Parliament. We have written down his story and the AI that supports him here.