Hottest day of the year – but more snow on the way

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Several locations in Sweden have measured their highest temperatures so far this year on Easter Eve. It has been the hottest in Helsingborg, where 16.3 degrees were measured, according to the data that had arrived at SMHI at 4 p.m.

It is also the highest temperature overall measured in the country this year.

– It has been warmest in southern Sweden and in Skåne, but other parts of the country have also been warm today. For example, 13 degrees have been measured in Arvika and ten degrees in Älvsbyn, says Anna Belking.

More snow on the way

In parts of Götaland and Svealand there is also a risk of grass fire during the Easter weekend according to SMHI. When the snow has melted away in the spring, last year’s grass is exposed, which when it dries can be very flammable. However, those who wish for sun and high temperatures during the next week may be disappointed, according to Anna Belking.

– From Tuesday, a new area of ​​precipitation will come in and move up into the country. In Götaland, the precipitation mainly comes as rain, but up in Svealand and Norrland the precipitation can turn into sleet, she says.

Colder than normal

Temperatures in Sweden have – despite the relatively warm Easter weather – been below normal in April. Anna Belking sees no signs of that changing in the coming week. April has generally been below normal in terms of temperature, with exceptions in the far north.

“Meteorological spring has roughly arrived in Gästrikland, but to the north and west of that it is still winter,” she says.
