Hottest candidates to take over after Janne Andersson

After Janne Andersson played his last international game on Sunday, many are now wondering who will take over as the national team captain for the Swedish men’s national football team.
– There is no given candidate, says Olof Lundh in Efter fem.

Janne Andersson announced earlier last fall that if Sweden fails to qualify for the football European Championships in Germany next year, he will resign as the national team captain for the Swedish men’s national team. When it then became clear that Sweden missed qualifying, the departure was a fact and Sweden’s meeting against Estonia became his last international match. He has been the national team captain since 2016 when he took over the baton from Erik Hamrén.

No given candidate

Now many are asking themselves who will take over the baton and according to Football Channel’s columnist Olof Lundh, there is no given candidate to take over the role.

– They have made a requirements profile, but it is incredibly difficult, says Olof Lundh in Efter fem.

Several names appear and the betting companies are already at work with their speculations and odds lists. On the lists, however, the odds are high, this because none of the names are completely given as candidates for the role. But some names are talked about more than others.

– Many may dream of old Östersund coach Graham Potter who is on leave, says Olof Lundh.

He wants to see Olof take over

The Swedish Football Association has started its work and is out talking to several candidates, according to the requirement profile that has been set up. Olof himself is clear about who he himself would like to see take his place.

– I would like to have Jonas Thern in in some form, he and Olof Mellberg would have been interesting names, says Olof Lundh.

Former national team captain for the Swedish national team

Erik Hamrén 2009-2016

Lars Lagerbäck 2001-2009

Tommy Söderberg 1998-2004

Tommy Svensson 1991-1997

Nisse Andersson 1990-1990

Olle Nordin 1986-1990

Lars Arnesson 1980-1986

Georg Ericson 1970-1979

Orvar Bergmark 1965-1970

Lars Nyman 1962-1965

Yesterday 19:07

Seven years as national team captain – now Janne Andersson leaves

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