Hot flashes in men: causes and treatments

Hot flashes in men causes and treatments

Common in women at the time of menopause, hot flashes can also affect young or older men. What are the causes ? How to relieve them?

What do hot flashes mean in young men?

When this sign occurs in men under 45, it may be of psychological : stress, an anxiety attack or an anxious state that can cause this unpleasant symptom. “There taking medication can also be involved such as vasodilators prescribed to dilate blood vesselssays Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist in Paris. Sometimes, as well as an illness like hypothyroidism or brucellosis (bacterial infection). More rarely, hormonal diseases, in particular pituitarycan be diagnosed on this occasion.”

What do hot flashes mean in older men?

Hot flashes in men are mainly the andropause sign. This condition primarily affects men between the ages of 45 and 65. It is due to a slowdown in the production of testosterone, a sex hormone. Unlike menopause, which affects all women, andropause only concerns 20% of men. “Some drugs prescribed under a Prostate cancer may also be involved”adds Dr. Nys.

What causes hot flashes in men?

  • Andropause.
  • Anxiety disorders.
  • The stress.
  • Taking medications such as vasodilators, calcium antagonists, those against prostate cancer.
  • A disease such as hyperthyroidism, brucellosis (bacterial infection).

What are the symptoms of hot flashes in men?

The hot flashes experienced in men are identical to those experienced by women: sweating, feeling of heat in the face, neck and chest, as well as redness. They can appear suddenly and temporarily, and most often occur at night. When they are due to andropause, they are accompanied by other signs such as low libido, sleep and mood disturbances.

When to consult in case of hot flashes in men?

If the hot flashes are annoying, consult your doctor. A blood test of testosterone will diagnose andropause.

What treatments for hot flashes in men?

► In case of andropause having disabling effects, the doctor may prescribe hormone therapy to correct the testosterone deficiency. However, this treatment is not systematic, insofar as it can cause an increase in the risk of prostate cancer.

► Hyperthyroidism requires specific treatment, which will in turn relieve hot flashes.

► In case of stress or anxiety attacks, practicing relaxing or sporting activities can help you. If necessary, psychological follow-up is possible.

► If hot flashes turn out to be the consequence of drug treatmentthe doctor may suggest a modification of the medication.

Thanks to Dr. Pierre Nys, endocrinologist in Paris.
