Hot does not loosen its grip: new wave is coming

Hot does not loosen its grip new wave is coming

(Finance) – Summer 2022 will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the hottest ever. a new heat wave is coming, peaking between tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. They are at the moment three (Palermo, Perugia and Rome, the first two also tomorrow) urban centers that will receive a red badge on Friday (maximum level of health risk due to heat). If today only Rome is orange, tomorrow 13 cities will be orange and Friday 14. Meanwhile, the Tyrrhenian Sea is ‘hot’ like the Tropics, with 30 degrees maximum temperature recorded in the south. It is one of the effects of the almost uninterrupted heat waves that have followed one another since May, caused by the expansion of the North African anticyclone.

. “The one that is being recorded these days in the surface waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, with an average of 29 degrees and peaks of 30 in the Aeolian Islands – he explains Claudio Teimeteorologist of the Lamma-Cnr Consortium, as reported by Ansa – is a consistent anomaly, yesfoldable with the fact that the high pressure has insisted more on the western part of the Mediterranean. If in the Tyrrhenian the satellites have detected 29-30 degrees, in the Adriatic and in the Ligurian Sea we have temperatures only slightly lower, of 27-28 degrees “.

According to Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist of, the temperature of the Italian seas which has reached peaks of 29-30 degrees, is a threat to the development of hurricanes, once the good weather ends. Tedici fears the danger of “stronger sea storms as soon as a disturbance arrives. The heat of the sea, in fact – he explains – will be transformed into energy for the development of storms and / or other violent phenomena. With marine waters at over 26.5C. it is more likely the formation of Tropical Like Cyclones, small hurricanes also on the Mediterranean Sea “.

(Photo: © Aleksandr Papichev / 123RF)
