Hostage situation in a detention center in Russia | News in brief

Hostage situation in a detention center in Russia News

There is a hostage situation at the detention center in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

There is a hostage situation at the detention center in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

According to RIA Novosti a group of several men has taken two employees of the detention center captive. The men are armed with fire axes and batons.

According to RIA Novosti, the men are in detention on charges of terrorism.

This information supports the popular Baza-telegram channel claims that the men may be members of the extremist Islamic terrorist group Isis. The Baza-telegram channel allegedly has direct official sources, but none of its information can be independently verified.

The authorities are there and are currently negotiating the release of the hostages. According to the authorities, the situation is under control and the operation of the detention center continues as normal.

The detention center in question holds persons accused of crimes awaiting trial.

Source: Reuters

The news is updated.
