hospital victim of cyberattack, hackers demand 10 million dollars

hospital victim of cyberattack hackers demand 10 million dollars

The Sud Francilien Hospital Center in Corbeil-Essonnes was the victim of a major cyberattack overnight from Saturday to Sunday. The computer systems of the hospital, which has a thousand beds, are completely blocked. The cyber-attackers demand the payment of a ransom of 10 million dollars.

This attack carried out using “ ransomware “, that is to say malicious programs capable of taking control of computers and blocking them, took place this Sunday around 2 am, testify the staff of the South Francilien Hospital Center in Essonne.

All of the establishment’s business software, from patient appointment management systems to medical imaging storage servers, is inaccessible. The emergency, pediatric and gynecological services of the hospital, which has a thousand beds, have since been operating in degraded mode. Scheduled surgeries had to be postponed and patients requiring prompt care were redirected to other facilities in the region.

The cybercrime section of the Paris prosecutor’s office was seized and the investigation entrusted to the gendarmes of the center for the fight against digital crime. The establishment is the victim of a double blackmail, the pirates demand the payment of 10 million dollars to unlock the computers and also threaten to disclose, online, the medical data of the thousands of patients who have attended the hospital.

Listen: Are we doomed to be spied on?
