Hoshi victim of harassment: a man arrested for death threats

Hoshi victim of harassment a man arrested for death threats

HOSHI. According to information from Parisian, a Breton, suspected of having threatened the singer Hoshi with death, was arrested.

Since her performance at the Victoires de la Musique in March 2020, the singer Hoshi has been subjected to a campaign of harassment on social networks. In question ? A kiss with one of his dancers, at the end of his song love censorship, a hymn to tolerance. A striking sequence for the young woman, crowned Revelation scene of the year at the same ceremony, but which had sparked a wave of violence on social networks.

More than two years later, The Parisian reveals this Tuesday, June 21 that a young man was arrested in Brittany by investigators from the Central Office for the Fight against Crimes against Humanity and Hate Crimes (OCLCH). Suspected of having repeatedly threatened the singer Hoshi with death, he would have admitted the facts during his police custody, which lasted 24 hours, explains the newspaper.

As part of the investigation opened by the National Pole for the Fight against Online Hate of the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office, several people, minors, have also been identified for the same charges. “The identities of these young people have been transmitted to the local prosecutor’s offices, which will be responsible for initiating any proceedings against minors”, underlines Le Parisien.
