“Horse remedy”, “blacklist”… The infinite world of figurative meanings – L’Express

Horse remedy blacklist… The infinite world of figurative meanings –

“Rodrigue, do you have a heart?” In this famous quote, everyone hears “heart” but no one thinks of “the hollow muscular organ, which constitutes the central driving force of blood circulation.” Logic: this is obviously the figurative meaning that Corneille uses here, or, more precisely, one of his figurative meanings. Because the uses of this term are innumerable, which designate, depending on the case, kindness (“having a good heart”); ardor (“putting one’s heart into the work”); love (“a heartbreak”); seduction (“playing nice”); appetite (“eat heartily”); sincerity (“speaking with an open heart”); conviction (“I wanted to be clear about it”); memory (“learning by heart”); the center of a space (“the heart of a city”). Without forgetting, of course, courage – of the same etymology – as is the case for the noble Rodrigue or for the famous motto “A brave heart, nothing impossible” of the aptly named Jacques… Heart.


Many words in the French language have several meanings. And it is to this beautiful subject that Roland Eluerd, associate professor of modern letters, had the excellent idea of ​​devoting a rich work (1). Here are some examples:

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Needle. It was inevitable: the shape of this little metal rod is too particular not to have given rise to a host of images, whether in watchmaking (“the hands of a watch”); fashion (“a stiletto heel”); architecture (“the needle of Saint-Pierre-de-Rome”); the landscape (“the Aiguille du Midi”) or the railway world (“the railway needle”).

Horse. Man’s noblest conquest is clearly an inexhaustible source of inspiration since, depending on the circumstances, the quadruped becomes a person (“Too bad he drinks, he’s not a bad horse”); a medicine (“a horse remedy”); a passion (“it’s his hobby horse”); a hairstyle (a “ponytail”) and even… a tax (“a fiscal horse”). Are we in France or not?

Tooth. Curiously, the figurative uses of this term refer relatively little to the domain of food. We do find “devour with your teeth” or, conversely, “eat with your teeth” but, for the most part, the images are mainly associated with aggressiveness: “being armed to the teeth”, ” to show one’s teeth”, “to have a harsh tooth” or “to keep a grudge against someone”.

Star. A star is first of all a celestial body, hence “sleeping under the stars” or “being born under a lucky star”. And like a star shines, it is rewarding (but terribly difficult) to achieve the title of “star dancer” or, in a restaurant, to earn your “third star”. However, a star is also a shape, used as such in the animal worlds (“the starfish”) and plants (“the water star”) or even in typography, notably for the sake of discretion (“On saw the Marquise M*** on the arm of Count P***”).

Leaf. Far from being reserved for trees and plants, “the fundamental plant organ of many plants” (Larousse) also designates an ear (“being hard of the leaf”), fear (“trembling like a leaf”), paper (“the good leaves of a book”) or a bad newspaper (“a cabbage leaf”). A name which, it goes without saying, does not apply to L’Express in any way!

Index. The finger of the hand closest to the thumb gets its name from a Latin word that meant “indicator” because humans often use it to point to something or someone. From the 17th century, it was also used to designate the alphabetical tables which, in a book, list the subjects treated or the names cited. However, its greatest success came from its use by the Holy See. It is in fact under this name that the Vatican has long grouped books whose reading was not recommended for good Catholics. Which, in the midst of the controversy over the use of condoms in the fight against AIDS, earned the president of the conference of bishops of France this dig from deputy André Santini: “Mgr Decourtray understood nothing about condoms. The proof, he blacklists him!”

READ ALSO: These words have disappeared from the French language: “défâcher”, “dansomania”, “deceivable”…

Bread. This basic element of our diet has given rise to many uses, notably, as might be expected, in the field of food: a “fish loaf”, a “gingerbread”, a “french toast” , etc. But the term has long since left its original universe. The proof: it also serves as a benchmark when talking about remuneration (“earning one’s bread”); a good deal (“I bought this car for a pittance”); of a quantity of work (“having your work cut out for you”). It sometimes even takes on a moral value when it comes to evoking dignity (“he is as frank as good bread”) and honesty (“I don’t eat that bread”).

Vessel. It has been a long time since we no longer encountered ships only on the seas. The proof with the “blood vessels”, the “desert vessels” (the camel and the dromedary, of course) or even the “flagship of a brand” (its main store). On the other hand, it is recommended to never “burn your ships” (commit too far to be able to retreat).

Zero. We imagine: this very particular figure is not really used to send compliments or to describe a feeling of euphoria. This is evidenced by formulas such as “have morale at zero”, “have the fear meter at zero”, “count for zero”, without forgetting the unflattering “this one is a real zero”. The most philosophical, however, will consider that taking everything into account, this remains less serious than being worth “less than zero”.

Finally, note that, in the expression “figurative sense”, “figurative” is itself used in the figurative sense. You are definitely never as well served as by yourself…


(1) The garden of words. Amusing and learned dictionary of figurative meanings, by Roland Eluerd. Editions Aux Feuillantines.


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