Horror remake that was brutally torn apart by audiences and critics

Horror remake that was brutally torn apart by audiences and

Studio Blumhouse is actually very good at turning budget horror movies into big hits. Also with that Revival of dead brands knows Blumhouse, as the powerful Halloween sequel four years ago proved. However, everything went wrong with the new edition of Fantasy Island.

Based on the 1970s ABC series of the same name, Fantasy Island hit theaters in February 2020. With a budget of $7 million, the film grossed $49 million, making it makes for success on paper. However, the reboot was by no means positively received.

  • Today on TV: Fantasy Island airs tonight at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben. The repeat follows on Wednesday at 10:55 p.m. At Amazon Prime Video * you can stream the uncensored version with various purchase and rental options.
  • Horror failure: Even the many stars couldn’t save the Fantasy Island reboot

    Neither the public nor the critics were well disposed towards Fantasy Island. Not even the many stars were able to save the film, from Lucy Hale and Maggie Q to Michael Peña and Jimmy O. Yang to Guardians star Michael Rooker. The average ratings are devastating across the board.

    You can watch the trailer for Fantasy Island here:

    Fantasy Island – Trailer 2 (German) HD

    At Moviepilot, Fantasy Island received 3.5 out of 10 points from the critics. The community is a bit more forgiving, giving it 4.9 out of 10 points. The international review aggregators Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes are no different. Especially harsh judged RogerEbert.com on the theatrical release: “a mindless product.”

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    *. .

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