Horror masterpiece has been unsettling for 20 years with an incredible twist

Horror masterpiece has been unsettling for 20 years with an

If you suffer from claustrophobia, you might want to avoid Neil Marshall’s The Descent. In the director’s claustrophobic shocker of films like Doomsday or acclaimed Game of Thrones episodes like Blackwater a dark cave becomes a nightmare – even before the horror becomes ever more explicit.

MDR will broadcast the film today at 10:50 p.m. in a cut version. at Amazon Prime* you get the uncensored version of one of the most intense and best horror films of the last 20 years.

The Descent shocks with nasty horror and a merciless twist

In the plot of Neil Marshall’s horror film, after a tragic accident, Sarah (Shauna Macdonald) takes her friends on a climbing trip to distract herself. But instead of the safe tourist cave, they end up in a pitch-dark, unexplored cave in which finally pure horror waiting for her.

Watch a German trailer for The Descent here:

The Descent – Abyss of Horror – Trailer (German)

After the girlfriends have descended into the unknown darkness, Marshall first stages his film as a natural horror in which the claustrophobic narrowness and pure darkness form an oppressive labyrinth. This terror alone isn’t enough for the director, though, and so at some point he lets brutal horror break out over the main characters in the form of deadly creatures.

A multi-layered struggle for survival, The Descent is one of the most atmospheric and standout horror films since its release in 2005. The unpleasant hopelessness of the setting carries over into you as you watch, while Marshall saves what is arguably the most gruesome surprise until the finale.

Of the twist The Descent won’t be revealed here, but rarely has such an intense horror flick in recent film history ended on a more devastating note.

A notice: We have already published this article in a slightly modified form.

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Do you think The Descent is great too?
