Horror insider tip that surprises at least once and remains exciting until the end

Horror insider tip that surprises at least once and remains

Imagine you book an AirBnB in a foreign city. When you arrive, the neighborhood seems pleasantly quiet. But when you get to the house, you realize: There is already someone.

That alone would be a scary thought. If a stranger suddenly waits for you in the house you booked, which should definitely be empty. But in the case of Barbarian, this is all just the absolutely harmless, downright boring beginning. How unforgettable Here a short trip turns into a horror trip, you can watch it streaming on Netflix from today.

In Barbarian, two strangers are faced not only with deep mistrust, but also with an evil secret

Tess (Georgina Campbell) wants nothing more than to simply unlock the AirBnB she booked, finally get some dry air and fall into bed in the near future. But the house that was supposed to be hers for the stay is anything but emptyKeith (Bill Skarsgård) is waiting inside. It turns out that the accommodation was double booked.

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Tess arrives at Barbarian’s AirBnB

Keith seems friendly and accommodating and immediately offers to sleep on the sofa and leave the (lockable) bedroom to Tess. Nevertheless, Tess enjoys this kindness with a good dose of suspicion. As night slowly falls, Tess has to realize that Keith is nothing compared to the what awaits you in this house.

Barbarian on Netflix is ​​an unpredictable insider tip that can surprise more than once

Seems like a rather short summary? There are good reasons for that. After all, Barbarian soon deviates from what the average audience might expect. And too much can’t be revealed beforehand. The film begins in a very classic way. Although with the big bonus that Tess has a role that is typical for horror characters. unusually clever caution For this reason alone, not everything here runs according to the run-of-the-mill pattern.

Director Zach Cregger has put together an ingenious and unpredictable horror rollercoaster – with plenty of violent twists and turns and moments that will take the rug out from under you. By the second half at the latest escalated the story, which at first seems predictable, takes bizarre and frightening directions.

BoulderLight Pictures

Barbarian disturbs with several surprises

The result is hard, disturbing and creative. And when it was released, it was so popular with moviegoers that Barbarian made ten times its budget and guaranteed Cregger a next project. The latter has already secured its first star actor: Pedro Pascal.

Get on the rollercoaster and let Barbarian surprise you now with a streaming subscription on Netflix.
