Pelicans will have to cope this week against JYP and TPS without their team’s leading scorer, Lubos Horky.
The Pelicans have been set up by the Hockey League’s disciplinary panel Lubos Horkyn banned for two matches due to the shower command in the Kärpät match.
Horky, who sank SaiPa with two goals on Friday, collapsed in Saturday’s round after having to kick Kärppien Atte Ohtama to be subjugated on the ice surface. Horky, who scored four winning goals this season when he got up, failed to sense the situation.
The disciplinary delegation ruled that Horky fell to kicking an opponent, but it was done with his shin, not his skates. In addition, the kicking motion was not particularly powerful.
Horky is the Pelicans’ third most effective player after scoring 16+14=30 points in the 40 matches he played.
Read the whole news From the SM league website