Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review

Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores review

In our Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review, we go to Hollywood with Alloy and continue the story from where it left off.

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review : Forbidden West must be the game that deservedly received the “The most untimely beautiful game” award of last year. It was a game that took its place as one of the best exclusive games released on PlayStation, with its magnificent visuals and the ability to break the repetitive structure of the first game to a certain extent. You can read Ersin’s review of the game (Horizon Forbidden West PS5 review) or watch the video below. Well, such a beautiful game came out, but if you ask what happened, Elden Ring was released in less than a month.

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review / PS5

It is not known what the Horizon producers, who had the misfortune of coming out at the same time as one of the best games in the game world (Breath of the Wild), once with Zero Dawn, thought the same thing in the second game, but a lot of people like me left this game unfinished to play Elden Ring. .

The Burning Shores DLC pack provided just the “give it another chance” throttle we needed, and fortunately it did. I played Forbidden West from the beginning and had the chance to review the contents of the Burning Shores add-on pack.

Hollywood Adventure Begins

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review Frankly, I was a little bored when I saw that I had to finish Forbidden West first to write the article. I’m not a huge fan of the series’ combat system, and open world games are often filled with issues that bother me. However, I dived into the story saying this is the opportunity and I also understood why the DLC pack wanted us to finish the game, there are some serious events in the story!

If we tell the end of Forbidden West without any spoilers, at the end of the events that took place, the team members disperse to different parts of the region and fulfill their new missions. We, on the other hand, realize that one of our enemies has disappeared and we set out with our mount flying towards the far region called Burning Beaches to find him. When we reach the beaches that the old call Hollywood, a tower hits our mount and we find ourselves on the beach. Our main story begins after we meet a Quen tribe warrior who watches us with curious eyes and defeat the enemies.

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Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review

We already know about the Quen tribe that actually owns the technology but uses it under conservative rules, but the team we just met is a little different. There is no scholar among these people, who formed part of the original expedition lost in the storm, and therefore they do not know us.

Welcoming Aloy, Seyka is a somewhat rebellious warrior member of the tribe who wants to save her brother. Although it is forbidden, Seyka and Aloy, who use focus, start working on Hollywood soil to find Seyka’s brother and eliminate the threat.

The story is quite short, you can finish the main story in an average of 5-6 hours. Things happen in a rush as they try to fit so much into such a short story. If you’ve seen the discussions on the internet, you know what I’m talking about, if you haven’t, you’d better not know as it’s a pointless discussion anyway. But I couldn’t help but think that some events really happened too fast. Still, I can say that I left satisfied. He has set his path nicely for the upcoming 3rd game.

Post Apocalyptic World Beauty

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Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review

When writing a Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review, it’s hard not to write “the game looks so good” all the time. The graphics of Forbidden West were amazing, we went underwater, in the desert, in snowy mountains or forests, but I never said “it looks so bad here”. Since Burning Shores takes place in a slightly more volcanic region, different things like lava and geysers are added to the environmental events. We can also use these geysers to speed up transportation around.

Hollywood is a new region, but everything that makes up the essence of the game is preserving itself, sometimes appearing in a more visually developed way. Again, we explore the surrounding ruins and factories called Kazan, and fight with new and old machines. Among the machines there are those that go for minor changes such as the “water version of the previous one”, there are also completely new and dangerous big enemies. If like me, especially if you didn’t make the last missions run and strengthen Aloy, you can see the loading screen a lot after meeting the frogs. Fortunately, the game’s loading time is quite short.

There is not much change on the combat system, this is bad for those who do not like pure bow and arrow mechanics like me, but I did not expect a big change from the DLC pack. There are new abilities in each fight tree and you can use them without going through the DLC missions. Nice abilities like attaching bottles that deal elemental damage to the tip of the spear, hooking onto the enemy, healing while escaping with smoke bombs.

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Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review

A new weapon has also been added to the game. Specter Gauntlet, one of the weapons that Zeniths have tested on us, is both a fun weapon to use and you get your hands on it relatively early. It is both powerful and a highly effective weapon for separating robot parts. Moreover, it is a fun weapon to use, it becomes a very nice weapon especially when you improve what you have achieved with the side mission.

There is one more minor improvement regarding gameplay, I think it came with the DLC update but you can correct me if I’m wrong. They’ve already made collecting less of a hassle by turning off the animation of collecting junk around, now it’s even nicer with the “auto-collecting” feature. The days of pressing the triangle key while running are over! This feature only works if you have room for various crafting items and your bag, the most important effect is to prevent Aloy from trying to loot a nearby machine when you press the triangle to pick up the blackberry on the ground during battle.

Finally, in addition to our flying mount, we can also use a boat, especially when we can’t fly, it is very useful and fun to use. If you say how much space it has in the main story, how much you use it, it doesn’t matter much. Maybe they will include the sea in the 3rd game and we can think of it as an example.

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Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review


For the Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review, I mentioned that I played the entire game from start to finish, so I can easily compare how visually advanced the DLC pack has become from the main game. The already very good graphics are further developed, the waters, lava and clouds look amazing.

I’m talking specifically about clouds because the main reason the DLC pack isn’t coming to PS4 is because they want to make fluffier clouds. He understands the care taken in a side quest set in the clouds and asks, “Is it worth depriving a console generation of the story just for the cloud?” you think. I don’t think it was worth it, the mission wasn’t something other than visuality anyway.

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Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores review

Burning Shores is a very successful DLC package considering the main story of 5-6 hours, new weapon – ability improvements, side quests and events, and 15 hours of gameplay. Among the pluses in my eyes are that they bring a little more improvement to the melee and offer an impressive final boss fight.

200TL on Playstation Store sold with a price tag The notable shortcomings of Burning Shores are the events that happen a little too fast, the side quests that aren’t interesting, and the PS5-only release even though it’s a DLC pack. It’s strange that the first-party Sony studio didn’t release the game in the previous generation, or even bring some updates unrelated to the new region, just because we’re going to make realistic cloud.
