Honored Navalny – over 150 sentenced to prison

Honored Navalny over 150 sentenced to prison

Published 2024-02-18 23.05




fullscreen Police in St. Petersburg carry away a man who laid flowers at a monument in honor of Alexei Navalny. Picture from last Friday. Photo: AP/TT

At least a hundred people arrested after paying tribute to the dead opposition politician Alexei Navalny have been sentenced to shorter prison terms by Russian courts. In St. Petersburg alone, 154 people have been sentenced to up to 14 days in prison for violating the country’s tough laws against unauthorized protests.

Human rights groups and independent media have reported a number of similar cases in other cities around the country.

On Saturday, it was reported that over 350 people were arrested in over 30 Russian cities after honoring Navalny. Several of the arrests have taken place in connection with people in various cities placing flowers at monuments to victims of Soviet-era oppression.

The announcement that opposition politician and Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny had died came on Friday. At the time of his death, the 47-year-old was imprisoned in a penal colony in northern Russia.
