Chinese technology giant Honor new headset introduced. In this period when wired headphones are becoming a thing of the past and wireless headphones are becoming more common, many brands are trying to market their products in this field. In this context Honor wireless headphones Earbuds X7 launched its device. Here are the curious Earbuds X7 features and price.
Honor Wireless Headphones Earbuds X7 Released
Honor launched its new wireless headset, Earbuds X7. There is no definitive statement yet as to whether the headset, which is currently only on sale in China, will come to the Turkish market, but the device is expected to be available for sale in our country as well. Equipped with the latest technology Earbuds X7 features There is a lot of curiosity and in this context, let’s share the prominent features of the device…
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What are the Earbuds X7 Features?
First of all, we should point out that the Honor Earbuds X7 headset has the Golden Ear certificate issued by the China Electronics Industry Association. So we can say that the sound output quality is very high. The headset comes with artificial intelligence-supported noise reduction feature. 40 hours It has a long battery life.
Earbuds In addition, the headset also offers fast charging support. One of the most important features is the headset, not only Approximately 3 hours with a 10-minute charge offers play time.
Honor Earbuds X7 weighs 3.8 gramsThe device is very light and provides easy use. The headset has a 10 mm dynamic unit that provides full bass output, as well as a polymer composite coated bowl diaphragm. This diaphragm also ensures that the trebles are clearer. The headset, offered in white and blue color options, offers pleasant use with its stylish and elegant design.
What is the Price of Honor Earbuds X7?
This new headset from Honor has a touch system used to answer or reject incoming calls or end or start music; double click With this feature, these operations can be carried out easily. to headset when pressed for a long time Incoming calls can be rejected.
Honor Earbuds X7 TWS We mentioned above that it is on sale in China. It is not clear when it will be released to markets outside China and Turkey. The headset is available for sale at a price of $ 41, which is approximately 300 Yuan.