Hong Kong Foreign Press Club suspends human rights awards

Hong Kong Foreign Press Club suspends human rights awards

The organization fears to unintentionally break the law ” by crossing ” new red lines established by Beijing.

This is the first time in 26 years that the foreign press club of hong kong (FCCHK) will not present human rights awards, fearing legal action. ” Over the past two years, Hong Kong journalists have worked with new “red lines” about what is and is not allowed, but there are still significant areas of uncertainty and we do not wish to unintentionally break the law “said club president Keith Richburg in a statement. ” It is in this context that we have decided to suspend the prices “, he explains.

According to sources inside the organization, several prizes were to go to Stand News, a local media closed last year after its main editors were charged with sedition.

It was these nominations that earned the FCCHK legal advice that an investigation for sedition or under Hong Kong’s new national security law could be opened if it continued to give awards. at Stand News.

Eight resignations

The decision to suspend the awards ceremony led to eight resignations within the club. “The fact that eight of us have resigned speaks volumes to the fact that we now believe our position is useless. “Shibani Mahtani, one of the committee members who resigned, told AFP.

Indeed, since the massive pro-democracy protests of 2019, Beijing has continued to tighten the noose on Hong Kong, including by passing the National Security Act. Since then, three media outlets critical of the government, including the hugely popular Apple Daily tabloidwere forced to close after investigations under this law.
