Honestly, what is Avatar 2 about? The film takes place 10 years after Part 1

Honestly what is Avatar 2 about The film takes place

The first long trailer for Avatar 2 was released this week. It begins symbolically with a dive into the clear waters of Pandora. Because that is exactly what is in the foreground in the sequel to James Cameron’s billion-dollar hit: the audience should immerse themselves in a strange, beautiful world for 3 hours.

Well, even the most photorealistic CGI world needs one Plot. But the plot seems so far only fragmentary through the visual overstimulation. Therefore we answer the question with the greatest possible clarity: What the hell is Avatar 2: The Way of Water about?

In this article we clarify:

  • When Avatar 2 plays
  • What is the official plot of Avatar 2
  • Which of the many (!) characters are really important according to trailers and promo material
  • When is Avatar playing?

    Except for a few flashbacks Play Avatar 2 more than 10 years after the events of Pandora. You will recognize the jump in time above all by the fact that the children of Jake and Neytiri (more on this later) are in their teens.

    That’s the official storyline of Avatar 2 in a nutshell

    Each of the 4 planned Avatar sequels should tell its own story. 20th Century Fox published this text as official synopsis for Avatar 2: “Avatar: The Way of Water tells the story of the Sully family and the danger that awaits them, their attempts to protect each other, the struggles they endure and the tragedies they endure.”

    Avatar 2: The Way of the Water – Trailer (German) HD

    This is deliberately kept vague. From the trailer and other hints scattered during the promo phase, we can outline a more precise plot. Everything that comes now is purely speculative.

    Which characters from the trailer will be important in Avatar 2?

    The action of Avatar 2 is probably from 3 parties driven, which are in conflict with each other. You should definitely remember the following characters. They most likely form the backbone of the plot.

    The Sullys: The Family of Jake and Neytiri witnessed the next war

    Jake and Neytiri have raised a family on Pandora that will be the emotional center of the world. In the trailer we see a pregnant Neytiri and some of the Sullys’ younger children. The first part of the film will probably show a deceptive family idyll, a thriving Sully family in fast motion. This idyll is then broken by the return of the people, which was already hinted at at the end of Part 1.

    Sam Worthington as Jake and Zoe Saldana Neytiri

    ©20th Century Fox

    Britain Dalton as her son Lo’ak

    ©20th Century Fox

    Resources Development Administration’s human invaders ambush Pandora

    As a reminder, Avatar 1 is set in the year 2154. In the not so distant future, humans have exploited their homeland. So much so that humanity has to look to other planets for raw materials. She specializes in that Resources Development Administration (RDA). On Pandora, the RDA is looking for the raw material Unobtanium, which should also be the goal in part 2.

    In Part 1, the humans attacked the Na’vi settlement in the finale, including a particularly large one Unobtanium occurrence was suspected. In Part 2, the
    unobtaniumApparently looking into the water.
    Much of the story is said to take place in the oceans of Pandora. The fights between humans and Na’vi also shift to the underwater world, as we can already see in the trailer.

    ©20th Century Fox

    An underwater robot

    Stephen Lang returns as Colonel Quaritch. This time, however, he lives out his hyper-militaristic zest for action in the guise of a Na’vi. Exactly how this came about is unknown.

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    is new to the cast Sopranos star Edie Falco as General Ardmore. She provides the human face for the RDA’s destructive activities on Pandora.

    ©20th Century Fox

    General Ardmore (right)

    The new Metkayina clan is targeted by humans

    The Metkayina tribe is likely to stand in the way of the RDA’s efforts as they settle on the water. We’ll see what that means in Part 1 (Nothing Good). The trailer hints at an alliance between the Omaticaya and the Metkayina, probably a protective measure to arm themselves against the coming war. Within violence blooms a tender one love story between the
    Tsireya and the Omaticaya Lo’ak.

    The trailer already introduces the 3 most important characters of the new tribe.

    Cliff Curtis as leader Tonowari

    ©20th Century Fox


    Kate Winslet as Leader Ronal

    © 20th Century Fox/Empire

    Ronald (left)

    Bailey Bass as Tsireya

    ©20th Century Fox


    Also important: Sigourney Weaver’s character Kiri, about whom a small subplot will revolve.

    ©20th Century Fox


    This brings us to the end of our outlook. Yes, there have been more original plots, but the simple plot didn’t bother the predecessor either. The findings so far show above all: Avatar is not only more beautiful in part 2, the world is also getting bigger.

    Avatar 2 will start in German cinemas on December 14, 2022.
