Honduras plans to open diplomatic relations with China

Honduras plans to open diplomatic relations with China

The shift in relations between the two countries came weeks after the government of Honduran President Xiomara Castro announced it was negotiating with China to build a hydroelectric dam.

Central America’s Honduras plans to establish diplomatic relations with China, says the country’s president Xiomara Castro On Twitter (you will switch to another service).

He said he was instructed by the foreign minister Eduardo Reina to undertake the opening of official relations with the People’s Republic of China. Castro did not elaborate on whether this means the country will cut ties with Taiwan.

Honduras is one of 14 countries that have officially recognized Taiwan’s independence. China adheres to the so-called one-China principle, according to which no country can maintain diplomatic relations with both China and Taiwan.

China considers the democratically ruled island of Taiwan as its own rebel province, which it is ready to return to itself by military force if necessary.

The shift in relations between China and Honduras comes weeks after Castro’s government announced it was negotiating with China to build a hydroelectric dam.

On Wednesday, Taiwan’s foreign ministry expressed “grave concern” over Honduras’ decision.

– We ask Honduras to think carefully, not to fall into China’s trap and not to make a wrong decision that will damage the long-term friendship between Taiwan and Honduras, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

News agency AFP says its reporter saw the Honduran ambassador in Taipei on Wednesday morning by Harold Burgos arrived at Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Neither party has commented on the meeting. The Chinese Foreign Ministry also refused to comment on the matter to AFP.

Source: AFP, STT
