Home Storage: a connected cabinet for storing solar energy at home

Home Storage a connected cabinet for storing solar energy at

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Install photovoltaic panels on the roof of his house to supply himself with electricity. A solution considered by consumers, especially since the inflation of energy prices caused by the war in Ukraine. According to one Ademe survey published in 2020, 68% of French people would even be interested in the self-production of photovoltaic electricity, even if it were to cost them more. The trend is therefore not new and is likely to increase given the current context.

Problem with self-consumption of electricity generated by solar panels: excessenergy. This surplus is indeed most of the time wasted, unless it is resold to an external supplier, which can quickly prove to be time-consuming and expensive.

A problem that the Nantes entrepreneur Hubert Marionneau wanted to remedy by creating the company Ubby Energy in 2020, specializing in tailor-made solar storage systems to support individuals and businesses in their quest forenergy autonomy. His latest innovation? Home Storage, a smart cabinet designed to store solar energy. The first was installed in September 2021 and five have been in service since.

Certified by Consuel standards, the device designed by Hubert Marionneau suggests not only being able to use one’s energy production at the rate one wishes, but also to “stock up”, for example in the event of a power failure or by rainy day. To get it, simply send a quote request by going directly to the “contact” tab on the Ubby Energy website.

From 28,000 euro

Available for companies as well as for individuals, Home Storage is offered from 28,000 euros (including tax). A price that includes the installation and cabling of the solar panelscommissioning of the cabinet, connectivity, support in the prior request for work, a surplus resale contract, as well as administrative assistance in compiling the application file for authorization to install the panels (to file with the town hall).

A large sum to pay, what is more in one go, payment in several times not being offered. But the demand is there: Since the war in Ukraine and while the main energy suppliers have recently called for reducing energy consumption, people are afraid of rising prices and the risk of energy shortages. At Ubby Energy, the amount offered is fixed and this guarantees a autonomy. As a result, the more the price per kilowatt hour purchased increases, the more the return on investment time linked to Home Storage decreases. “, pleads Hubert Marionneau, who specifies having received” hundreds of quote requests » last June, following several articles in the national press devoted to its smart cabinet.

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