Home remedy for sprains: All natural

Home remedy for sprains All natural

Foot sprains cause difficulties even when performing basic movements. In order to accelerate this painful and problematic process, it is necessary to rest a lot and apply the right treatment methods. You can easily pass your sprains with these methods that you will apply without forcing your foot.



The first answer to the question of what is good for sprained feet, what can be done with herbs is to wash with cold water. First, you need to wash the sprained area with cold water. After washing your feet, put on soft socks and wrap them tightly with a bandage. This process not only prevents your feet from swelling and bruising, but also shortens the recovery time.



Ice constricts blood vessels. Thus, it reduces swelling and pain in the area. For ice application, all you have to do is wrap the frozen ice pack in a clean cloth and apply it to the sprained area for 10 minutes. You can apply ice regularly every day until your foot heals completely.



From past to present, the most applied herbal method against foot sprains is onion cure. Thanks to the peptide known as GPCS in the onion content, it heals the bones. To prepare the onion cure, you will need 2 glasses of olive oil and 2 onions. First, finely chop the onion and cook it with olive oil. After applying this mixture on a clean cloth or cheesecloth, wrap the cloth around the sprained area as if it were a bandage.



To apply the garlic cure, you will need olives, garlic, onions and salt. If you are sure that you have all the ingredients at hand, mix and crush them all in a suitable bowl. Apply the mixture you prepared to the sprained area by gently massaging. Then, wrap the sprained area with a clean cloth or bandage.

Spreading Cabbage


This treatment, which is applied using raw cabbage, eliminates the complaints caused by foot sprains in a short time. Moreover, it is very easy to apply. To apply this herbal treatment, all you have to do is wrap a raw cabbage leaf on the sprained area. While doing this application, you should take care to change the cabbage leaf every 15 minutes.

Asparagus Cure


Boil the asparagus with milk and apply the mixture you prepared to the sprained area. It will be enough to apply this method for 3 days.

Parsley Cure


Keep the parsley in the refrigerator, as the crushed essence allows it to come out well, and then put the parsley porridge on the sprained wrist and wrap it. Parsley helps reduce both pain and inflammation.
