Home emergency: 1 and a half million families with serious housing hardship

Home emergency 1 and a half million families with serious

(Finance) – “One and a half million families experience acute or severe housing hardshipthat is, struggling to pay rent or mortgage payments; at least 400 thousand are registered on the waiting lists for public housing in Common. These few data testify
how a housing emergency continues to exist, fueled by low salaries, rising costs of living, skyrocketing mortgages, rising rents. To be hit are, naturally, the most vulnerable groups: large families, precarious workers, young students. For the latter, in particular, the problem takes on un urgency and greater evidence at the start of the academic year. A response to this emergency can no longer be postponed: a structural plan for housing must be implemented, on the need for which both the Minister of Infrastructure and the opposition forces agree, defining, in view of the budget law, proposals that are sustainable and That
involve the collaboration of all interested parties, starting from the cooperation of inhabitants who in their experience have developed good management skills and attention to the social dimension”.

To say it is Rossana Zaccaria, president of Legacoop Abitanti, anticipating the contents of “Cooperating to live”, three conversations with the councillors Piefrancesco Maran (Milan), Paolo Mazzoleni (Turin), Emily Clancy (Bologna) who are facing the pressure of housing needs, with the urgency of an offer that is economically accessible and new in form. Objective of the meeting, in
program today in Cinisello Balsamo as part of the Generazioni Festival promoted by the Unabita cooperative, to focus on some axes of action envisaged by the Municipalities to discuss together resources, tools, the role of the cooperation of inhabitants, who intend to be an active subject in the implementation of the programs , in a position of co-responsibility with public governance.

As already mentioned, the data demonstrates the need to respond to this emergency. In Milan, from 2015 to today, rental and sales prices have grown by around 40% and wages by around 5%. As for students, the demand for single rooms increased by 27%, with a peak of 55% in Rome and average prices range from 626 euros per month for a room in Milan (+1% compared to 2022), to 482 in Bologna (+8%), a city that surpasses Rome where the average price is 463 euros.

In short, the topic is “hot”. In recent weeks, in addition to a structural housing plan, we have been thinking about the possibility of finding funds, also on the basis of an assessment of needs. However, it is clear that the next budget law, in consideration of the critical macroeconomic conditions of our country, it will require making proposals that are sustainable, within a framework in which all actors must collaborate.

“Legacoop Inhabitants – underlines Zaccaria – is working on a plan that will define objectives, tools and application methodologies, making available the cooperative track record which demonstrates in the data management capacity (arrears under 3%), constant maintenance and efficiency of the accommodation, social project, rapid assignment times, presence rooted in the territories.
A plan structured on some essential assumptions: taking advantage of the experiments of the last decade, integrating the quantitative and financial component (how many homes for how many families and at what costs) with the relational one (which services for which community) and management (which organizational model and management between real estate and community services); mobilize the plurality of subjects in the field animated by a non-speculative logic and who, like the cooperation of inhabitants, are able to activate social capital together with different financial resources (impact investing, public finance, crowdfunding, mutual funds); enhance supply chain experiences capable of determining new forms of financial sustainability.

In the end, it is essential to integrate some tools in a blending logic with a reduced impact on public financesstarting from public resources as a lever for non-speculative private investments, to be activated to reduce mortgage installments and with revolving formulas.
