Home cleaning, why call on personal services?

Home cleaning why call on personal services

The comfort of your home is closely linked to its general maintenance and cleanliness. Thinking of asking for extra help to lighten the burden of household chores? Discover the advantages of home help.

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By using personal assistance services, you could come out a winner both personally and financially. Because yes, contrary to popular belief, the job of a housekeeper is not specifically reserved for families with a high income!

Calling on a housekeeper, a solution to lighten the mental load

Want to improve quality of life? Imagine the pleasure of returning home after a day’s work and being able to devote yourself to activities that you really enjoy: cooking, playing with the children, reading, resting, garden…Entrust your cleaning to a cleaning company personal services and assistance you will benefit from a considerable saving of time with an immediate effect on your well-being and your daily stress.

In addition to having more time for you, delegating household chores to maintenance professionals also allows you to get to the point! Their organization and their know-how reveal a particular expertise on the use of certain products as well as the rules of hygiene. It is also the best way to ensure that your home will be cleaned and dusted in every corner. When you do it yourself, some details can be omitted or constantly postponed (cleaning windows and glass, to name just one example).

In addition, it drastically reduces conflicts between spouses or with children concerning the housework… You will then be able to use your energy differently and relieve your mental burden of yet another argument. In this regard, the division of tasks is still today a source of annoyance in many couples!

A report on equality and discrimination between women and men, published in 2022 by the High Council for Equality between Women and Men, confirms that the younger generations want a more equal sharing of household chores. According to a questionnaire on the distribution of the household, 21.55% of respondents say they do it in pairs or alternately. But, more generally, 41.41% of women said they take care of it themselves compared to 8.08% for men…

Did you know that you can take advantage of a tax deduction?

From a financial point of view, calling on professionals will not cost you much more. As specified by website impots.gouv.frthe expenses related to the maintenance of the house make you benefit from a tax credit of up to 50% (with however, an annual ceiling of 12,000 €).

For example, this company cleaning in Nantes is very explicit regarding its rates: for two to six hours of intervention per week, the hourly cost is €24.98 including tax, but it amounts to €12.49 once the tax deduction has been taken into account.

And the fact that you own or rent does not change anything. This tax benefit takes the form of a tax reduction if you are taxable or reimbursement (by check or transfer) by the tax authorities of half of the sums spent.

Here is some information that will help to stop feeding the preconceived ideas that household helpers are only reserved for wealthy households.

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