Hold on! Soon the sun will return

Hold on Soon the sun will return



full screen The long weekend offers spring temperatures. Archive image. Photo: Samuel Steén/TT

During the Ascension weekend, temperatures climb upwards.

– Where the sun peeks out in Götaland and Svealand, there is a chance of 20 degrees, both on Saturday and Sunday, says Kristin Sahlström, meteorologist at SMHI.

The long weekend begins with an area of ​​precipitation that passes during Thursday. It won’t be extremely cold – but not particularly high temperatures either.

During Friday, however, it will be sunnier in large parts of the country. In the north, the temperature ends up between 5-10 degrees, in the south 10-15 degrees.

Then the temperatures rise further. During Saturday and Sunday it can be up to 20 degrees in some places.

The thermometer is expected to show 15–20 degrees in Götaland and Svealand. In southern Norrland 10-15 degrees, in northern Norrland 5-10.

– It looks like there will be a break in most places. But there is little rain that passes, says Sahlström.

Sun is to be expected in large parts of the country – but at different times and not throughout the weekend.

During Monday and Tuesday it will be 15-20 degrees in most parts of the country. However, the summer temperatures that were measured over a few days in southern Sweden last week are not quite back.

– If you look at spring temperatures, it is completely approved, says Sahlström.
