Hoeing: what is it?

Hoeing what is it

Our elders often speak of this popular adage that says ” one hoeing is better than two waterings “. It is certain that with a simple gesture, you can obtain a very fine surface layer of soil that allows water to pass through and the roots to develop rather than crusty soil. Let’s discover hoeing, which is essential for the good health of the garden.

Principle of hoeing

It is a gesture to be made to break the crust surface of the earth, which is formed over time by dint of being confronted with the vagaries of the weather and trampling. The hoeing is done with a sharp tool, without damaging the roots of the plants. Several tools can be used to hoe the garden such as the hoe, the hoe, the weeder, the scraper or the shovel, for the most common. There are different sizes of hoe blades to adjust the work according to the distances to be cleaned. With blades stainless steel, these tools are an investment for many years. The hoe, the hoe and the scraper will scrape off the surface layer. The serfouette will allow you to weed and mound the plants with its flat blade side and aerate the soil with its fork or tongue blade side.

Once positioned in front of the ground to be hoeed, hold the handle of the hoe in both hands at a 45° angle, so as to hold your back straight. Practice movements back and forth to aerate the floor. Namely: the hoeing is done in reverse so as not to compact again what has just been hoeed. Without hoeing, the roots of the plants risk choking and without water penetrating, the plants will vegetate and produce fewer flowers, fruits and vegetables.

The virtues of hoeing

Hoeing is essential for maintaining a clean garden and healthy plants. Here are some benefits of hoeing:

  • allow thenight humidity and water inflows to infiltrate into the ground, without stagnating;
  • maintain crops in good condition;
  • benefit the roots and rootlets humidity so important for the proper development of plants;
  • remove the weeds that compete with plants;
  • loosen the soil, making it more loose.

What to hoe in the garden?

From flower bed vegetable garden passing through the orchard, you can use a hoe to break the superficial crust, two centimeters deep. Don’t go too deep or you’ll cut the roots and cause damage. Repeat the hoeing operation often so as not to allow the soil to dry out too much and settle, then slow down the development of unwanted weeds.

Do not wait for a period of drought to bin! Every year, from spring tofallhoe all around the feet of rosesoftrees or shrubs in order to crumble the soil and allow water from irrigation or rain to infiltrate.

In the vegetable garden, as soon as possible, hoe all along the rows of vegetables or all around the vegetable plants in order to loosen the surface layer of the soil.

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