H&M and the plane – Aftonbladet podcast

The Hunger Uprising in Iran Aftonbladet podcast

The clothing giant H&M wants to reduce the staff in its Swedish stores – but no one will be fired. How does that work? Yes, there is a so-called planing that is going on, that is, employers are cutting down on employees’ working hours. Now employees are testifying about the sadness and anger when full-time work is reduced to a few hours a week. H&M themselves believe that the planing is necessary because more and more people are shopping online. But at the same time as the planing is going on, H&M has posted job ads where new staff are wanted, with guaranteed working hours of 0 hours. How does this fit together – shouldn’t the staff who are in demand at the same time as the planer still work? How is the atmosphere in the stores among those who have had almost all their working hours removed? How should one interpret the fact that H&M’s chairman of the board, Karl-Johan Persson, stepped in and bought more shares in the company, shortly after the planing began?
Guest: Alexander Bönke, reporter Aftonbladet
Program manager: Vilma Ljunggren
Contact: [email protected]


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