HJK’s women raised millions in funding and are aiming for the Champions League: “We have everything right on top” | Sport

HJKs women raised millions in funding and are aiming for

In the background of HJK’s women’s team, a separate limited company was established about a year ago, which was named Ei kämä subsidiary Oy.

Previously, the women’s team was under the umbrella of HJK ​​ry, but the project’s initiator and main financier Sammeli Sammalkorven with the management, the club wanted to raise women’s competitive soccer to a new, more professional level.

– There is a commercial opportunity here, because women’s football is on the rise internationally. On the other hand, this is also an opportunity to make a concrete act of equality in football and team sports in general. However, equality is still a long way off and this is just a small step aimed at bringing equality to team sports, Sammalkorpi stated last August.

Another million euros was raised for the background, and for the CEO of the limited company was appointed at the end of the year Katariina Kurikka.

Mossamkorven and another anchor investor Mariet Louhennon in addition, there are a number of investors, including an ex-club member who plays in Minnesota Robin Lod and chairman of HJK ​​Oy Olli-Pekka Lyytikäinen

The player budget more than doubled from EUR 65,000 to EUR 150,000, which is the third highest amount in the league after KuPS (220,000) and Åland United (178,000).

“The quality of everyday life has been raised”

When you look at the standings of the National League, you can see that the development has led to good results, at least in terms of games. The unbeaten club at the top of the league has lost points in one match, and the ball has only been dug out of its own net six times.

The rink of 19 field players and three goalkeepers is wide, and HJK, which performed energetically on the field, has been able to rotate players. When the junior pipeline and the academy activities are also on a healthy basis, the players always come to the representative ring more prepared.

The head coach Arttu Heinonen praises the strengthened background organization. The team has seven coachesof which only video analyst Tuomas Tiippana is part-time.

– We have full-time background people, and the quality of everyday life has been raised. The limited company has its own managing director and communications manager (Emma Rantamaa), and they are able to develop that side in good cooperation, Heinonen states.

– In a dream world, our budget could go up step by step, and we could compete for group stage places against other gangs in Europe. It would also bring more chips to the club.

Heinonen reminds that in addition to short goals, the team wants to help players move forward in their careers.

– Of course, our big wish is that we win gold and that’s how we get to the European Games. Another thing is the development of players and selling them on, that is also important.

Lotta Lindström (London City Lionesses, England) and Joanna Tynnilä (SK Brann, Norway) have left, and they have also been in Helmarei. Joanna has also played big minutes there.

23-year-old winger Jenna Topra plays for HJK in his third season, and he has seen the development from the player’s point of view.

– The club has had good and professional activities in the past, although there have not been so many investments. However, now there have been many more small things, and they have been visible on the field.

– Doing is 110 percent, and we can only focus on playing and training. We have everything at tiptop, and the backgrounds do a great job, Topra praises.

In five years to the Champions League

Heinonen is not alone with his group stage dreams. CEO Kurikka visited ‘s studio during the break of the HJK–KuPS match last Saturday, and the goals are clear, but tough.

– The goal is to reach the group stage of the Champions League in five years. In order to get there, we need income streams, i.e. money, and if we get there, money will also come from there. Creating a positive cycle is vital here, Kurikka stated.

According to Kurika, it is unique that the two-person background team formed by him and Emma Rantamaa is able to invest in the team’s sales, marketing and visibility. There are many positive signs, but there is also a lot of work to be done.

– The audience average has increased by 30 percent compared to last season, and the development of transfer compensation has been positive. We and others have a lot to do in getting commercial partners, and increasing media visibility is also important.

– The improvements in everyday life are more visible in the fact that we have increased resources on the coaching side, individuals get to develop and they are adequately supported. We have switched to training in the morning, so that individuals do not have to come tired to train. It also reduces the risk of injury.

Head coach Heinonen says that early training time brings flexibility to training.

– After the morning training, the players can go to school or work, and we are able to carry out the training with high quality. We get a gym or, for example, someone under a jumping test, and from there we move onto the field. We don’t have to wait, and this is also part of the fact that we have had more chips to develop the operation.

The use of data has also been closely focused at HJK.

– Catapult has now become available to us as a new service, and it measures how dynamic training is via GPS. Is there a lot of walking or running, and are there any changes in direction. It has increased the quality of training, but our intensity on the field has also increased, Heinonen opens.

– We can train harder and with better quality, and it is also directly reflected in our game. We monitor the menstrual cycle, recovery, sleep and whether there are any muscle cramps. Through that, a combination is formed, which allows for more healthy training days.
