The new 4x strategy game Ara: History Untold (Steam, Xbox Game Pass) starts with 42 leaders of the nations. Who is the best leader? MeinMMO strategy expert Schuhmann has a clear recommendation.
What do leaders and races do in Ara: History Untold? In Ara you don’t choose a people, but rather a leader who automatically stands for your people. If you choose Bismarck or Hildegard von Bingen, you play Germany. There are no special units or major game mechanics in leader choice like in Civilization 6 that depend on your choice of a leader.
Nevertheless, the leaders change the game mechanics. They each come with a “major trait” that is unique to each leader, and 3-5 “minor traits” that affect individual skills.
Our favorite for the title of best leader is the Korean, “Sejong the Great”.
Ara: History Untold – The leaders in the new 4X strategy game on Steam briefly explained
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The best leader in Ara: History Untold gives you an unfair advantage
Why is Sejong the Great the best leader? Sejong the Great has 3 small characteristics, all of which are positive and useful in the game:
The “big bonus” of Sejong the Great is that he gives 25 points to city knowledge and happiness in all cities for 10 rounds as soon as a masterpiece is created.
Weavings and their upgrades give 10 City Knowledge once paper is invented – it’s not that important.
The key to victory in Ara: History Untold is masterpieces
This is the right tactic with him: This will definitely be nerfed, but you simply put the first Paragon you get in your capital to write books there.
You also place any other role models you receive in the appropriate devices. You use one for a “5% chance of more role models”, and you gradually fill up the other two advisor positions with your favorites.
However, the most important thing for playing with Sejong the Great are the role models you use as authors, music or weavers.
Because relatively quickly you will have a constant stream of masterpieces that permanently give you 25 city knowledge and luck in all cities. This is a strong advantage that is easy to trigger and you won’t have any problems with happiness in your cities over the course of the game. This was never an issue in my game and “knowledge”, i.e. the research bonus, is useful.
This allows you to focus more on things like health (regulates growth) or security (determines the strength of your army) when expanding and managing your cities. And you can adapt your buildings and bonus resources accordingly.
Sejong the Great offers you a huge advantage as a leader. We don’t know how long this will be active, but with Sejong the Great it should be possible to get off to a good start in Ara: History Untold and dominate your opponents.
If you want to read more about famous leaders and how to use them properly in 4x strategy games, we recommend this article: Steam: I’m obsessed with the perfect start in Civilization 6 and have been loading the same save game for 2 years