historical score, how many deputies?

historical score how many deputies

RN RESULT. This second round was marked by a breakthrough history of the RN which sends 89 deputies to the hemicycle. The majority is warned, the parliamentary group led by Marine Le Pen will be an opposition force with which to compose.

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[Mis à jour le 20 juin 2022 à 14h41] To everyone’s surprise, the National Rally became an essential opposition force last night. From 8 deputies in the Chamber in 2017, it now has 89 qualified candidates. For the far-right party, which has often stagnated below the bar of ten deputies, with the exception of 1986 when proportional representation allowed the FN to win 35 seats, forming a parliamentary group is almost a feat. In particular after this very discreet legislative campaign by its leader, Marine Le Pen, far from the debates dominated by Nupes and the presidential camp, we expected a pattern similar to previous years. Until then, the evolution of the party created by Jean-Marie Le Pen was observed mainly on a national scale, with a constant rise during the presidential election, but suffered from a lack of representation on a local scale with few credible deputies and established in the territory. Finally, the projections of the polling institutes were far from the mark, which predicted about fifteen deputies, 15 being the number necessary for the formation of a group in the Assembly.

Emmanuel Macron is therefore warned: the governance of the country will only be done by relative majority, by dealing with the new opposition force represented by the strongly protesting deputies of the RN. Opponents of the “patriot” team just have to watch out. We think here mainly of Reconquest!, the very young party of Eric Zemmour already dead in the bud, deprived of any seat in the Assembly and which sees the RN offer itself a comfortable seat, both parliamentary and financial. Because the legislative play a big role in the financing of political parties. The votes gleaned in the first round are used as the basis for a calculation which should offer 7 million euros per year to the party to which are added sums paid for each deputy. With 89 deputies according to the official results, more than 3 million euros per year will fall into the coffers of the party led by Jordan Bardella. Enough to fill the hole in the RN, whose debt would be more than 20 million euros. The RN will also gain visibility by sitting in many committees and asked from this Monday, June 20, by the voice of Marine Le Pen, the future presidency of the finance committee.

What result for the National Rally in the 2022 legislative elections?

If the first estimates placed the RN between 60 and 90 seats, confirming the dynamic born from the first round, the final result will be very close to the high range with 89 seats in the RN according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior. After the first round, the scenario of a massive presence in the Assembly seemed only a distant memory but the RN hit hard in the 2nd round, especially in view of his first round score: 18.68% behind Ensemble! (25.75%) and Nupes (25.66%). The RN had managed to qualify 208 of its candidates in the second round.

From the announcement of the first results last Sunday, the machine of the Republican front had yet started. Political leaders from the left, center and right had called for blocking Marine Le Pen’s candidates. Beyond the usual speech “not a voice on the far right”, candidates had even decided to withdraw to favor the defeat of RN candidates. This was the case of Maryse Combres in the 1time constituency of Lot-et-Garonne: “It is up to us to look at these results with lucidity: the configuration of this first triangular round, with the dangerous presence of a candidate from the far right, does not allow us to calmly maintain a candidacy of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union in the second round,” she wrote in a press release. If that was enough, the LREM candidate Michel Lauzzana winning with 51.49% of the vote in this constituency, the dike did not hold everywhere, far from it.

Has the RN obtained a group of deputies in the National Assembly?

After winning 18.68% of the votes cast in the first round of legislative elections, the RN hoped to take the greatest number of deputies to the Bourbon Palace. Marine Le Pen’s party was still in the running in 208 constituencies. Also, 110 came out on top. Most often the RN candidates were opposed in duels against the presidential majority, Together! (107 duels), or the coalition of the left, the Nupes (59 duels). The final result, 89 deputies’ seats, undoubtedly exceeds many expectations within the RN, as recognized by Marine Le Pen on Monday morning June 20: “In our greatest hopes, there were 60 deputies”, she said. recognized.

Who were the National Rally candidates for the legislative elections?

If Marine Le Pen had been one of the first to formalize her candidacy for the legislative elections through the voice of her right-hand man, Jordan Bardella, on April 28 from Fréjus, the interim president of the flame party Jordan Bardella had praised the ranks provided by the RN with candidates invested in 567 out of 577 constituencies. Only four former RN deputies represented themselves: Marine Le Pen and Bruno Bilde in Pas-de-Calais, Sébastien Chenu in the North and Nicolas Meizonnet in Gard. All the other candidates were to form the “new generation” of the RN as wanted by Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen.

Who are the new RN deputies?

They will therefore be 89 to win the ranks of the Bourbon Palace for the next term which will begin at the end of June. Among these 89 heads, we find figures of the RN such as Marine Le Pen re-elected in the Pas de Calais and undoubtedly called to take the presidency of the group but also Sébastien Chenu re-elected comfortably in the North and Bruno Bilde in the Pas-de-Calais . Rising figures of the RN this time transformed the trial and obtained a seat in the Assembly such as Franck Allisio in the Bouches du Rhône, Edwige Diaz in Gironde, the young treasurer of the RN Kévin Pfeffer elected in Moselle or Laurent Jacobelli who, after several tries, finally wins, also in Moselle. Among the new heads of the RN, let us also mention Romain Baubry, police officer elected in the 15th district of the Bouches du Rhône, Kevin Mauvieux a former LR who passed through the ranks of the RN and elected in the 3rd district of the Eure, Florence Goulet, former history of the RPR elected in the Meuse or Anne-Sophie Frigout, professor of history in the Marne and ex-vice-president of Debout la France. Note that four departments send 100% of RN deputies to their constituencies: Haute-Marne, Haute-Saône, Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales.
