American scientists have come close to the answer to how to get more energy out of a fusion reactor than what is put in. Hopes are now being raised for a solution to the energy problems of the future. Fusion reactions have kept the sun shining for over billions of years. Using only hydrogen as fuel, it emits more energy in one second than all the energy we humans have consumed during our time on earth. The goal of fusion research is – simply put – to build artificial suns on Earth by recreating a similar nuclear reaction. US Energy Secretary: Impressive On Tuesday, a small, but significant, step was taken on the way there. For the first time, scientists have managed to get more energy out of a fusion reaction than they put in – a so-called net energy gain. – This is one of the most impressive scientific achievements of the 21st century, says US Energy Minister Jennifer Granholm at a press conference. TV4 News’ science reporter Anneli Megner Arn explains how it works and what it means. – This is a milestone, she says. The science report explains: This means fusion technology.
Historic progress – can solve the energy problems of the future